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[CIVIL] How to change and add stress check points for Beam elements?


How to change and add stress check points for Beam elements?



Stress points can be added through the 'Section Manager' function and stress results can be checked through the 'Beam Detail Analysis' function.

In Beam Stresses, Sbz is the absolute maximum value between the stress values at the top and bottom of the cross-section. While Sby is the absolute maximum value between the stress values at the left and right sides of the cross-section. Specifically, Sbz is the stress with the greatest absolute value between the stresses at the positions Czp and Czm away from the section's neutral axis in the local z-direction. Likewise,  Sby is the stress with the greatest absolute value between the stresses at the positions Cyp and Cym away from the section's neutral axis in the local y-direction.

For the sections, which are defined using the 'DB/user' tab, the location of stress checkpoints is fixed as the values displayed in the Section Properties box cannot be changed. However, for the sections that are defined using the 'Value' tab, you can change the location of stress checkpoints by directly entering the values of y1, z1, y2, z2, y3, z3, y4 and z4 in the Section Properties box.

For the sections that are defined using the DB/User tab, you cannot change the location of points where the results of beam stresses are checked. However, you can check the stress results at the desired location by adding stress check points.

Stress check points can be added in the 'Stress Points Mode' of 'Section Manager'. (Properties > Section > Section Manager > Stress Points)

In the figure below, blue points 1 to 6 represent the added stress points.

 The results of the added stress points can be checked in the 'Section' tab of 'Beam Detail Analysis'. (Results > Detail > Beam Detail Analysis)

Please refer to the 'Use of Section Manager' technical document for information on how to add stress points through the Section Manager function and how to check results in Beam Detail Analysis.

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