What do 'Current Step Disp.' and 'Stage-Step Real Disp.' mean?
Stage/Step Real Disp. is a feature that calculates the real displacement of an element that will be generated in the next stage by taking into account the rotation angle of the node generated in each construction stage.
The model consists of two construction stages, each defined with one 'Additional step'. The loads applied for each step are as follows:
Current Step Disp. is used to verify the displacement caused by the load applied in the selected step. Therefore, in the above model, the results based on the load applied in the respective step will be obtained for the First Step in CS 1 and User Step 1, and the result will be '0' for the Last Step, as there is no load applied in that step.
Similarly, the results based on the load applied in the respective step will be obtained for the First Step and Last Step in CS 2, and the result will be '0' for User Step 1, as there is no load applied in that step.
On the other hand, Stage / Step Real Disp. is a function that calculates the real displacement of elements that will be generated in the next step, taking into account the rotation angle of the nodes generated in each construction stage. Therefore, it is a convenient function to use when calculating the fabrication camber in the analysis of steel or precast concrete members during construction stage.
The following figures show the differences in displacement results at CS 2 First Step when Stage / Step Real Disp. is checked or not.