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GUI Information Created Edited

Frameworks Configuration


midas Civil NX provides various menu systems and windows to pursue a user-friendly workspace optimized for the Windows environment. In addition, it provides supplemental windows such as the Tree Menu, the Task Menu, and the Toolbar that can be customized by the user.


Model View



Model Window

This is the working window where modeling and post-processing are performed using the various GUI features of midas Civil NX.

Multiple Model Windows can be displayed. Since Model Windows are independent of each other, different coordinate systems can be assigned to each Model Window for modeling. In addition, since each Model Window receives the data from the same database, the work done in a certain Model Window is reflected in each Model Window.

Main Menu

Main Menu accommodates all the commands and shortcut keys that are required for operating midas Civil.

Tree Menu

A series of work processes from modeling to analysis, design, and generation of calculation sheets, is listed systematically. The Tree Menu guides the required procedure and invokes the relevant dialog box so that even a beginner, as well as an expert, can efficiently perform the work without an error.

Tree Menu 2

Simultaneously used with the Tree menu, Work tree, and Group information can be examined more conveniently. In addition, it boosts efficiency by providing an element and boundary input dialog box with the Work tree simultaneously.

Stage Step

Using this drop-down menu, Construction Stage can be easily chosen for checking a structure by stages.

View Navigation

View can be easily manipulated.


midas Civil NX provides the Icon Menu symbolizing each function, which allows easy access to the frequently used menus. Moreover, similar types of Icon Menus are grouped by tabs (Tabbed Toolbar). This allows the user to correctly identify the Icon Menu with ease.

Task Pane

This feature simplifies the creation of analysis data by displaying the work sequence, required input items, and optional input items for each analysis case on the Tree. The Task Pane is designed to enable users to perform their tasks more easily by attaching descriptions of the work sequence and input items for advanced analysis functions.

Context Menu

Simply right-click the mouse over the Model Window or Works Tree to invoke the Context Menu, such as the relevant functions and frequently used functions, depending upon the work situation, selected entities, and click location.

Table Window

Table Window generates various input data and analysis results in a spreadsheet format table, which is similar to MS Excel.

In the Table Window, it is possible to edit, add, search, and sort data. In addition, graph plotting is possible within midas Civil and the table is compatible with most commercial spreadsheet programs, including MS Excel.

Message Window

Various information and warning or error messages, which are useful for modeling and analysis, are displayed.

Status Bar

In the Status Bar, check the coordinates as per each coordinate system, the unit system, and select the scale option, etc., which will increase the work efficiency.

Status: Display the system status.


Selected Node/Element Number: Display the number of a node or an element hovered.


UCS Information: Display the coordinates of a selected node or element in the USC.


GCS Information: Display the coordinates of a selected node or element in the GSC.


Number of selected nodes and elements: Display the number of nodes and elements selected.


Unit Change: Set the unit system or change the unit system currently in use.


View Controller: Set the view condition. The opacity, font size, label size, or the whole view scale can be controlled with the scale slider or the scale level box. 


Scale Slider: Set the scale with the slider.


Scale Level Box: Set the scale with the value. 


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