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[CIM/Base] Workspace and Coordinate System Settings in CIM


The layout is not created properly.



If a linear coordinate value outside the coordinate range provided by CIM is input, the Layout is not generated.


he working space of the CIM is limited to an axial direction ±500KMbased on the origin.
Therefore, all modeling work in CIM must be carried out within 500KM of the workspace.

Figure 1. CIM Workspace

If a linear coordinate value outside the coordinate range provided by CIM is input, the line is not generated.

Additional details of the CIM workspace will be discussed through the layout creation process.


Figure 2. When the range of the Base mode layout exceeds beyond the CIM workspace

Figure 2. assumes the CIM workspace as the line of the square and has created a Layout in an area outside the coordinate range.
In this situation, an error message '[Error] Fail to create Layout Curve' is output and the Layout is not created.


To successfully create the corresponding Layout in CIM,
① Move the Layout coordinates into the CIM workspace or (Figure 3.)
② match the coordinate system of the CIM with the actual coordinate system. (Figure 4.)

Figure 3. Example of moving the layout coordinates into the CIM workspace

Figure 4. Example of matching the coordinate system of the CIM with the actual coordinate system

1. Method to move layout coordinates into the CIM workspace

If the Origin Point is created outside the coordinate range when creating the Layout, or if the X and Y coordinates of the Layout are ±500KM from the origin, the Layout is considered to be outside the CIM workspace. To move the Layout coordinates into the CIM workspace,

  • Input Method of the Layout Sub Panel - Modify the X, Y coordinates
  • Using the two methods above, the Layout can be successfully created in the CIM workspace.

Figure 5. Example of modifying the x, y-coordinates

Figure 6. Example of modifying the Origin Point

2. Method to match the coordinate system of the CIM with the actual coordinate system

the coordinate range of the structure in Base mode is outside the CIM workspace, the Geographic Coordinate button must be turned on to create the layout within the CIM workspace.

If the Geographic Coordinate button is set to On, the coordinates set using the Coordinate feature are automatically updated.

If the Geographic Coordinate button is disabled, apply the Coordinate feature in the main panel of the Base Mode to activate the Geographic Coordinate button so the user can select On/Off.

Figure 7. When the Geographic Coordinate button is set to On

3. Coordinate Feature Functionality


Figure 8. Inputs enabled when the Coordinate feature is used



Figure 9. Coordinate Example

Figure 9. shows the inputs that are enabled when the Coordinate feature is used. Point A is the Origin Point that can be specified by the user as the coordinates in CIM. Direction B is the Northern Direction of the CIM model space that can be input as a vector. It is set as the Y-axis direction by default. Point C is the reference point on the actual coordinate system that needs to be matched with Point A.


The process of using the Coordinate feature are as follows:
① Match the origin coordinates (A) of the Origin Point to the reference coordinates (C).
② Rotate the Northern Direction (B) relative to A so that it matches with the North Direction (N) on the actual coordinate system.


Using the process above, match the coordinate system of the CIM with the actual coordinate system using the Coordinate feature. As mentioned previously, if the Geographic Coordinate is set to On while creating or editing the Layout, the matched actual coordinate system is updated automatically to create the Layout.

By using the Coordinate feature, the user can export structures from CIM and place them into an external program, such as Google Maps, or bring a model created in an external program based on a real coordinate system, such as satellite terrain, into the CIM workspace.

Video 1. Example of placing a real-world layout into the CIM workspace

Video 2. Example of placing a CIM model into Google Maps

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