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[CIM/Feature & Edit] Using a 1D Edit Chamfer


I would like to apply chamfer/fillet to the edge of the object.



Use the Edit tab under Edit Edge > Chamfer to perform the operation.



ㆍChamfer or fillet is applied to the geometry edge of a 1D object (wire or 1D member)
    or a 2D object (surface and 2D member).

ㆍFor separated edges, the feature operates by selecting each edge, and for continuous edges.
    (Poly Line or surface edges), both edges and vertices can be selected.

ㆍFor separated edges, continuous objects are formed when the Merge to PolyLine option
    is checked under Options. For continuous edges, a continuous edge is formed regardless
    of whether or not the Option is checked.

Continuous Chamfer / Fillet

Figure. 1 Discrete 2 Edge
Figure. 2 Poly Line(Wire)

ㆍSelect two edges to create
ㆍCreate as separate objects
ㆍConvert to a continuous object when Merge to Polyline is checked

ㆍSelect either the two edges or a vertex to create
ㆍCreate as a continuous object

Figure. 3 Discrete 1D Beam Figure. 4 Merged 1D Beam

ㆍSelect the two edges or a vertex to create
ㆍCreate as separate objects
ㆍConvert to a continuous object when Merge to       
Polyline is checked

Select either the two edges or a vertex to create
Create as a continuous object

Figure. 5 Face Edge  
ㆍSelect either the two edges or a vertex to create  

Non-Continuous Chamfer / Fillet

image-20191001-031305.png image-20191001-031308.png
Figure. 6 Disconnected Edge
image-20191001-031318.png image-20191001-031322.png
Figure. 7 Disconnected 1D Beam
Figure. 8 Disconnected 1D Beam (Cannot be created)  


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