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CIVIL Created Edited

2D Plate element is not being divided.


2D Plate element is not being divided.
(Error Message : This feature is supporting only a plate with a Beta Angle 0[deg].)



Please check if the Beta Angle of the 2D Plate is set to 0.


 When dividing a 2D Plate element using the Divide function, the element is divided based on its axis direction. However, if the user has manually input a Beta Angle for each element, the axis directions may differ, making it impossible to ensure proper nodal sharing between the divided elements.
Therefore, the Divide function does not support 2D Plate elements with Beta Angles. 

 Therefore, when dividing a 2D Plate element with a Beta Angle, the Beta Angle of each element must be changed to 0 before dividing, and then the necessary Beta Angle must be re-entered.
The Beta Angle of the element can be easily modified in the Element Table.

- Modifying Beta Angle using Element Table
[Node/Element] Tab > [Elements] Group > Elements Table

※ Caution when dividing 2D Plate elements

 Even if the Beta Angle is not set for the 2D Plate element, the axis directions may differ depending on the order of the Nodes selected when creating the initial element.
In this case, although the different elements can be selected and divided at once because the Beta Angle is not 0, the nodal sharing between the elements may not be ensured.
This is not an appropriate state for the elements, and even if there are no errors during analysis, it will not accurately represent the behavior of the actual structure.
Therefore, care must be taken to ensure proper nodal sharing when dividing elements.  

Dividing elements with different axis directions

Checking for shared nodes in the divided elements

 As shown in the image above, when dividing elements with different axis directions, it may seem to have been divided properly, but when using the Shrink (ctrl + k) function to check the connection status of the nodal points, it can be seen that the nodal point in the red box area is not shared.

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