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Merge data file


Merge the model data from another file with the model data in the current file.



From the main menu, select [File] > [Merge Data File] 



File-Merge Data File.png

Merge Data File dialog box


Data File Name

Enter the name of the file (fn.mgb) that contains the model data to be merged with the currently open model data. Click Browse... to select the filename or path.

Node, Element, Material, Section, Thickness : Select the type of model data to be integrated from the chosen file. If there are duplicates of material, cross-sectional area, or thickness number, the number of the selected model will be automatically renumbered to the maximum number +1 among the current data's numbers.

Make Group : Assign a new Group to the models to be merged.

Name : It means Group Name. If Group Name is undefined, the file name of the model data to be merged will be assigned as the group name.


The node and element numbers of the current model remain unchanged. The existing data are automatically renumbered to the last number of current model data +1.

Use the following functions to modify the new numbers:

Start Node Number : Assign a starting node number for the model data of the existing file. The default for this number is the last number of current model data +1. Click ....png to select an option of renumbering existing nodes.

Start Element Number : Assign a starting element number for the model data of the existing file. The default for this number is the last number of current model data +1. Click ....png to select an option of renumbering existing elements.

Origin and Rotation

Specify the position and angle at which the imported model data will be integrated. The position and angle will follow the GCS of the currently open model data.

Origin Point : Assign the orientation (position and angle) of the existing model data to the GCS of the current model. Enter the coordinates of the point where the origin of the existing model data will be placed in the GCS of the current model.

Rx : Enter the rotational angle about the current GCS X-axis.

Ry : Enter the rotational angle about the y'-axis, which is the Y-axis rotated by Rx.

Rz : Enter the rotational angle about z"-axis, which is the Z-axis rotated by Rx and Ry.


Merge Duplicate Nodes : During the integration process, specify whether to merge the existing model nodes and the current model nodes at the same position. Click ....png to enter the gap distance (merging tolerance) that will determine qualifications for overlapping conditions.

Intersect Frame Elements : During the integration process, specify whether to split the elements (trusses, beams) at the intersection point when the elements of the existing model and the current model intersect, and enter the allowable range of intersection (the displacement distance at which they can be considered as intersecting).


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