- The Display function is responsible for displaying unique symbols or numerical values on the screen for each attribute, including information such as node number, element number, material, and cross-sectional type, allowing the user to verify the input status of various attribute data such as boundary conditions and loads.
From the main menu, select [View] tab > [Display] group > [Display] > [Display]
The types of specific symbols and numerical values that can be represented are as follows:
Fig. Display dialog box
Node tab
Fig. Node tab
Node : Display the location of nodes
Node Number: Display node number
Node Local Axis : Display NCS (Node local Coordinate System) of nodes. (nodes assigned with NCS)
Element tab
Fig. Element tab
Element Number : Display element number
Element Type Number : Display element type number
Element Type Name : Display element type name
Gap : Display gap element symbol
Hook : Display hook element symbol
Cable : Display cable element symbol
Local Axis : Display element's local coordinate axes
Local Direction : Display nodal connection directions of elements (i >> j node, N1 > N2 > N3 > N4)
Property tab
Fig. Property tab
Material Number : Display material number
Material Name : Display material name
Property Number : Display section or thickness numbers
Property Name : Display section or thickness names
Section Shape : Display sectional shapes of line elements
Tapered Section Group : Display elements assigned to the Tapered (variable) Section Group
Time Dependent Material Link : Display time dependent material names
Inelastic Hinge Symbol : Display inelastic hinge symbol
Inelastic Hinge Name : Display inelastic hinge name
Reinforcement of Sections : Display reinforcement of sections
Virtual Section Local Axis : Display Local axis of virtual beam defined in Section for Resultant Force
Boundary tab
FIg. Boundary tab
All : Display the boundary conditions include in all the boundary groups
Group Selection : Display the boundary conditions included in the selected boundary group
: Prompt Select Boundary Group dialog box to select Boundary Group
Support : Display the constrained nodal degrees-of-freedom
Support by Direction : Display the constrained nodal degrees-of-freedom with a Digit (0: connected, 1: released)
Point Spring Support : Display Point Spring Support
Point Spring Support (Comp/Tens) : Display Comp.-only/Tens.-only type Point Spring Support
Point Spring Support (Multi-Linear) : Display Multi-Linear type Point Spring Support
Point Spring Support by Direction : Display Linear, Comp.-only, Tens.-only and Multi-Linear type of point spring support with a Digit (0:connected, 1: released)
Point Spring Support by Direction : Display Linear point spring with symbol
Point Spring Support by Direction(Comp/Tens) : Display Comp.-only, Tens.-only point spring with symbol
Point Spring Support by Direction(Multi-Linear) : Display Multi-Linear point spring with symbol
Surface Spring Support Type : Display Surface spring
Surface Spring Support (Linear) : Display Linear Surface spring
Surface Spring Support (Comp./Tens.) : Display Comp.-only, Tens.-only Surface spring
General Spring Support : Display General Spring Support
Elastic Link : Display Elastic Link between two nodes
Elastic Link Local Axis : Display element's local coordinate axes of elastic link elements
Elastic Link Type : Display Elastic Link
Elastic Link Number : Display the number of Elastic Links. Note that this function is only available in post-processing mode
General Link : Display the input status of the General Link between two nodes
General Link Number : Display the element number of the General Link
General Link Local Axis : Display the element local coordinate axes of the General Link
Genral Link Type : Display the type of the General Link
Change General Link Properties : Display the General Link applied by Change General Link Property
Beam End release Symbol : Display the symbol for the release condition of the end of a beam element
Beam End release Digit : Display the release condition of the end of a beam element in terms of degree of freedom using digits (0: connected, 1: released)
Beam End Offset : Display the eccentricity distance of a beam element
Plate End Release Symbol : Display the symbol for the release condition of the edge of a plate element
Plate End Release Digit : Display the release condition of the edge of a plate element in terms of degree of freedom using digits (0: connected, 1: released)
Rigid Link : Display the state of rigid connection (relationship between master node and slave node)
Linear Constraints : Display Linear Constraints
Reaction Position : Display the reaction positions of ILM method bridge for each construction stage
Misc tab
Fig. Misc. tab
Nodal Mass : Display nodal Mass data
Load to Mass : Display gravity load converted into mass
Tendon Profile Name : Display tendon names
Tendon Profile Point : Display eference points for defining the tendon profile
Initial Force for Geometric Stiffness : Display Initial Axial Forces data for Geometric Stiffness
Line Lane : Display traffic (line) lane
Surface Lane : Display traffic (surface) lane
Influence Surface : Display element's condition in Influence Surface analysis
Lane support-Negative Moments : Disply lane supports (Interior supports of continuous spans) assigned to consider critical Negative Moments at Interior Piers
Lane support-Reactions : Display lane supports (Interior supports of continuous spans) assigned to consider critical Reactions at Interior Piers
Settlement Group : Display settlement Group for a bridge structure when analysis automatically considers support settlements
Settlement Group Value : Display magnitude of settlement for a Settlement Group
Value of Heat of Hydration : Display numerical values of data related to Heat of Hydration analysis
Function Name of Heat of Hydration : Display function Name of data related to Heat of Hydration analysis
Element Convection Boundary of Heat of Hydration : Display input state of convection boundaries of elements
Prescribed Temperature of Heat of Hydration : Display input state of prescribed temperature
Heat Source of Heat of Hydration : Display state of heat source assignment
Pipe Cooling Element of Heat of Hydration : Display of pipe cooling elements
Load tab
Fig. Load tab
Load Case : Select the load case for which the load input status will be displayed and assign whether to display the load values.
All : Select all the load cases
Load Value : Option to display the load values
If Floor Load Name is checked, the load values defined for Floor Load Type are also displayed.
Case Selection : Select a desired load case
Group Selection : Select the desired Load Group
: Prompt Select Load Group dialog box to select Load Group
Nodal Body Force Load : Display body force converted from mass
Nodal Load : Display nodal concentrated loads
Specified Displacement : Display enforced displacements
Beam Load : Display beam load
Prestress Load : Display prestress load
Pretension Load : Display pretension load
Floor Load : Display floor plate loads converted into beam loads
Floor Load Name : Display floor load name
When Floor Load Name and Load Value are checked, the Load Values for each load cases defined in Floor Load Type are displayed.
If Load Type Color as assigned to Floor Load Color under the Draw Tab of Display Option, colors can be assigned to each Floor Load Type thereby allowing us to check the Floor Loads readily.
From the Floor Load Name in Display, load distribution Type can be checked.
ex) One Way =(One), Two Way =(Two), Polygon - Centroid =(P-C), Polygon-Length = (P-L)
The display of Floor Load Name is located at the center of the Floor Load application area. If the center deviates from the application (loaded) area, Floor Load Name is displayed on the line connecting the 1st point and 2nd point.
Display an arrow in the direction of floor load (One Way) at the center. Load direction is displayed following the Load Angle(A1) entered in Assign Floor Loads.
Floor Load Area : Display the floor load application area
Finishing Material Load : Display finishing material load
Pressure Load : Display pressure load
Area Pressure Loads : Display area pressure loads
Plane Load : Display plane loads applied to a plane
Plane Load Name : Display the plane loads
Nodal Temperature : Display nodal temperature load
Element Temperature : Display element temperature load
Temperature Gradient : Display temperature gradient load
Beam Section Temperature : Display the temperature difference between the slab and beam.
Tendon Prestress : Display tendon prestress
Dynamic Nodal Load : ynamic Nodal Loads for time history analysis
Multiple Support Excitation : Display multiple support excitation
Multiple Support Excitation Function Name : Display the name of multiple support excitation
Dir.X : Multiple support excitation in X-direction
Dir.Y : Multiple support excitation in Y-direction
Dir.Z : Multiple support excitation in Z-direction
Superstructure Seismic Load : Display superstructure seismic load
Grid Influence Line Load : Display grid inflence line load
View tab
Fig. View tab
UCS Axis : Display the coordinate axes at the origin of GCS (Global Coordinate System) or UCS (User Coordinate System)
View Point : Display the coordinate axes of GCS (Global Coordinate System) in the lower right corner of the screen
Description : You can add a description anywhere in the current model window, allowing for unlimited input in the lower input box regardless of its size.
Font : You can specify the font, size, and type of the description.
The description displayed in the model window can be moved to a different location by dragging it with the mouse.
Label Orientation : You can specify the display direction of the output label.
Design tab
Fig. Design tab
Member : Display assigned member
If the model is displayed with Hidden View in the preprocessing mode, those elements defined by Member will be displayed in a color gradient.
Member Direction : Display the direction of members denoted by arrows or gradients from I end to J end
In a hidden view in the preprocessor mode, the direction is denoted as a gradient. If a wireframe is displayed or in the post-processor mode, the direction is presented by arrows.
Member Number : Display index of members represented by member numbers
Unbraced Length Ly, Lz : Unbraced and lateral braced lengths (Ly, Lz)
Lb : Unbraced and lateral braced lengths (Lb)
Effective Length Factor Ky, Kz(User) : (User) Effective buckling length factors
Effective Length Factor Ky, Kz(Auto) : (Auto) Effective buckling length factors
Moment Factor Cmy, Cmz : Display moment factors
Moment Magnifier B1y l Delta - by, Delta - bz, B2ylDelta - sy, B2zlDelta - sy : Display moment magnification factors
Member Type : Display member type
Scale Up Factor for Column : Display scale up factor for column forces
Bending Coefficient (Cm) : Display bending coefficient (Cm)
Shear Coefficient (Cv) : Display shear coefficient (Cv)
Seismic Load Resisting System by Member : Display seismic load resisting system by member
Beam integral stability coefficient(Phib) : Display beam integral stability coefficient (Phib)
Pushover Hinge Symbol : Display the symbol of hinges used in pushover analysis
Pushover Hinge Type : Display the type of hinges used in pushover analysis
Pushover Hinge Name : Display the name of hinges used in pushover analysis
Operation Condition Factor : Display operation condition factor
Display by Group
Display specific symbols or values for selected groups on the screen
Display by Selection
Display specific symbols or values for selected elements or nodes on the screen
Display by Member
Display specific symbols or values of the items assigned from each tab for only the selected members on the screen
Hidden Labels
This feature allows you to select whether to show or hide symbols for boundary conditions, node numbers, and other items that are hidden by the model. The label's hidden status is applied based on the option's check state.
Labels that can be affected by this feature include symbols or numbers for nodes, elements, loads, and boundary conditions. Additionally, the label's hidden status can also be applied in the results display mode.
Display Option
Open the Display Option dialog box.
Reset All
Initialize the input state by deleting all labels except for the nodes.