- Loadings of a predefined Load Group are copied or moved to another Load Group or deleted.
- When loadings for each construction stage are created for a construction stage analysis, copying or modifying the previously defined load groups may prove to be more convenient.
From the main menu, select [Project] tab > [Group] group > [Change] > [Change Load Group]
Fig. Change Load Group dialog box
"..." button to the right of Change Load Group : review Load Group Table
Copy: copy the load data included in Source Group to Target Group
Move: move the load data included in Source Group to Target Group
Delete: delete the load data included in Source Group
Load Group
Source: original group
Target: destination group (inactivated when Delete is selected)
...: click to prompt the Define Load Group dialog box to add or modify groups.
Item: select the types of loadings to be copied, moved or deleted.