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Create Load Cases Created Edited

Static Load Cases


  • Define static load cases, or modify or delete previously defined load cases.
  • Static analysis is carried out for each static load case entered by this function. The analysis results can be interactively combined in "Combinations". Apply this feature to assign the load cases necessary to form the geometric stiffness matrix in the P-Delta or buckling analysis.
  • When Bridge Wizard is used to analyze the construction stage of a bridge structure, static loads are automatically generated based on the characteristics of loads. (refer to Name)
  • The procedure for carrying out a static analysis using midas Civil is as follows:


1. Enter the load cases using the Load>Static Load Cases menu.

2. Enter the loads using the various static load input functions of Load Menu.

3. If geometric nonlinear elements are included in the analysis model, create load cases based on the previously created load combinations through Load>Create Load Cases Using Load Combinations. Using the Analysis>Main Control Data menu, input the number of repetitions and permitted tolerance for convergence.

4. If the analysis is to reflect the P-Delta effect, use the Analysis > Analysis Control > P-Delta Analysis Control menu to specify the number of repetitions and permitted tolerance for convergence followed by entering the load cases and factors applied to formulate the geometric stiffness matrix.

5. Select the Analysis>Perform Analysis menu to carry out the analysis.

6. Messages indicating the progress or the completion of analysis will appear in the message window at the bottom of the screen.

7. Upon completing the analysis successfully, use the various post-processing functions of the Results menu in conjunction with load cases and combinations to analyze the analysis results.


NOTE.png The messages generated in the process of analysis are automatically compiled in the 'fn.out' file.



From the main menu, select [Load] tab > [Load Type : Static Loads] > [Create Load Cases] group > [Static Load Cases]

Shortcut key  :  [F9]



Load-Static Loads-Create Load Cases-Static Load Cases.png

Static Load Cases dialog box


Case 1 When defining or adding new static load cases

Enter the following items and click add.png.

Name : Static load case name

NOTE.png When Bridge Wizard is used to analyze the construction stage of a bridge structure, the following static load cases are automatically generated based on the characteristics of the loads used. The Load Type of each individual load is automatically defined as Construction Stage Load.


Self Weight : Self weight of elements used in Construction Stage Analysis


Prestress : Prestressing load in tendons


FT : Self weight of Form Traveler when FCM Wizard is used


Wet Concrete : The weight of Wet Concrete when FCM or MSS/FSM Wizard is used

The above load cases are used to check the input in the preprocessing mode and combined in the Construction Load during the analysis. The analysis results can be checked for separate load cases automatically assigned to the construction stage analysis results. Refer to "Combinations" for details.


Type : Select the load type from the list of static unit load cases.


Description : Enter a short description of the load case.


Case 2 To modify previously defined load cases

Select the relevant load case from the load cases list at the bottom of the dialog box, then modify the entries and click the Modify button.


Case 3 When deleting previously defined load cases

Select the relevant load case from the load cases list at the bottom of the dialog box and click the Delete button.

NOTE.png The unit load case types are as follows: Note that the names of the unit load cases listed below can differ from the notation given in the codes.

The types of unit load conditions

User Defined Load(U)
Dead Load(D)
Dead Load of Component and Attachments (DC)
Dead Load of Wearing Surfaces and Utilities (DW)
Downdrag (DD)
Earth Pressure (EP)
Horizontal Earth Pressure (EH)
Vertical Earth Pressure (EV)
Earth Surcharge Load (ES)
Locked in Erection Stresses (EL)
Live Load Surcharge (LS)
Trailer or Crawler Induced Surcharge (LSC)
Live Load (L)
Trailer or Crawler Induced Live Load (LC)
Overload Live Load (LP)
Live Load Impact (IL)
Overload Live Load Impact (ILP)
Centrifugal Force (CF)
Braking Load (BRK)
Longitudinal Force form Live Load (BK)
Crowd Load (CRL)
Prestress (PS)
Buoyancy (B)
Ground Water Pressure (WP)
Fluid Pressure (FP)
Stream Flow Pressure (SF)
Wave Pressure (WRP)
Wind Load on Structure (W)
Wind Load on Live Load (WL)
Settlement (STL)
Creep (CR)
Shrinkage (SH)
Temperature (T)
Temperature Gradient (TPG)
Collision Load (CO)
Vehicular Collision Force (CT)
Vessel Collision Force (CV)
Earthquake (E)
Friction (FR)
Ice Pressure (IP)
Construction Stage Load (CS)

NOTE.png The Load Type of a load case to be used in a construction stage analysis must be defined as "Construction Stage Load". Otherwise, the results of a general analysis for the corresponding load case, irrelevant to the construction stage analysis, will be produced in the "Final Stage" in the post-processing mode Stage Toolbar.
Erection Load (ER)
Rib Shortening (RS)
Grade Effect (GE)
Roof Live Load (LR)
Snow Load (S)
Rain Load (R)


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