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Analysis Result Tables Created Edited

Beam Force & Stress Result Table


  • Check the internal forces and stresses of beam elements from the analysis results in a spreadsheet format table.

  • Table Tool in midas Civil offers a variety of powerful built-in functions. Refer to Usage of Table Tool for detail directions:



From the main menu, select [Results] tab > [Type : Analysis result] > [Table] group > [Result Tables] > [Beam] > [Force & Stress]

From the main menu, select [Results] tab > [Type : Analysis result] > [Table] group > [Result Tables] > [Beam] > [Force]

From the main menu, select [Results] tab > [Type : Analysis result] > [Table] group > [Result Tables] > [Beam] > [Stress]



Upon executing the Beam > Force & Stress Table function, Records Activation Dialog prompts. Click OK after selecting the output entities such as nodes or elements, loading conditions, construction stages, etc. In some cases, it may take a considerable amount of time.

Refer to Results Table of "Usage of Table Tool" for the usage of Records Activation Dialog.

Results-tables-beam-force stress.png

If you check Beam Force, select Current Step Result to output the member force of the current stage.

Elem : Element number

Load : Unit load case/combination

Stage : Construction stage

Step : Sub-stage

Beam Force

Results-tables-beam-force stress-beam force.png

Part : Output position along the length of each element

Axial : Axial force

Shear - y : Shear force in the element's local y-direction

Shear - z : Shear force in the element's local z-direction

Torsion : Torsional moment about the element's local x-axis

Moment - y : Bending moment about the element's local y-axis

Moment - z : Bending moment about the element's local z-axis

Bi-Moment : Bi-moment

T-Moment : Twisting moment

W-Moment : Warping Moment

Beam Stress

Results-tables-beam-force stress-beam stress1.png

Part : Output position along the length of each element

Axial : Axial stress

Shear - y : Shear stress in the element's local y-direction

Shear - z : Shear stress in the element's local z-direction

Bend(+y) : Resulting stress on the ECS (+) y-axis side due to the bending moment (Mz)

Bend(-y) : Resulting stress on the ECS (-) y-axis side due to the bending moment (Mz)

Bend(+z) : Resulting stress on the ECS (+) z-axis side due to the bending moment (My)

Bend(-z) : Resulting stress on the ECS (-) z-axis side due to the bending moment (My)

NOTE.png The Stage and Step columns in the Analysis Result Table are produced for a construction stage analysis or Hydration Heat Analysis. The Step column is produced also for a geometric nonlinear analysis.

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Cb(min/max) : Max. combined stress among the absolute values of Cb1, Cb2, Cb3 and Cb4

Cb1(-y+z) : Axial+ Bend(-y) + Bend(+z)

Cb2(+y+z) : Axial+ Bend(+y) + Bend(+z)

Cb3(+y-z) : Axial+ Bend(+y) + Bend(-z)

Cb4(-y-z) : Axial+ Bend(-y) + Bend(-z)

Beam Stress(7th DOF)

Part : Output position along the length of each element

Section Position : Warping stress position among Pos-1, 2, 3, 4 and max

Sax(Warping) : Warping Normal Stress

Ssy(Mt) : Shear Stress due to Twisting Moment (τxy)

Ssy(Mw) : Shear Stress due to Warping Moment (τxy)

Ssz(Mt) : Shear Stress due to Twisting Moment (τxz)

Ssz(Mw) : Shear Stress due to Warping Moment (τxz)

Cb(Ssy) : Shear Stress due to “Transverse + Twisting Moment + Warping Moment”(τxy)

Cb(Ssz) : Shear Stress due to “Transverse + Twisting Moment + Warping Moment” (τxz)

View by Max Value Items

When maximum and minimum values occur for a force component in moving load analysis and support settlement analysis, other components of the member forces corresponding to the maximum or minimum values can be generated.

After generating a Force or Stress table, right-click the mouse and select view by Max Value Item.


Results-tables-beam-force stress-beam stress3.png    Results-tables-beam-force stress-beam stress4.png

Items to Display : Select a member force component, which should become the basis of Min or Max value.

Load Cases to Display : Select load cases for moving load and support settlement load, or load combinations containing such load cases for generating a concurrent force table.

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Component : member force component, which becomes the basis of producing concurrent forces

NOTE.png Since Result By Max Value [Beam Force] cannot be sorted, it is recommended that sorting be done to suit a desirable format before executing View by Max Value Item. If the output of concurrent forces for max and min values is required for moving load analysis, select Normal + Concurrent Force from the Main Menu>Analysis>Moving Load Analysis Control Data.

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