- Once the construction stage analysis is performed, transformed section properties at the last stage can be produced in a tabular format.
- Transformed section properties including tendons can vary with tendon properties, time of grouting and modulus of elasticity of concrete.
- Since it produces transformed section properties at the last stage where the changes in construction stages are reflected, we can check accurately what section properties are applied at PostCS (final stage) to calculate stresses due to additional loads such as moving loads and temperature loads.
- The *.out file generated after the analysis contains the sectional properties for all construction stages.
- The Table Tool in midas Civil is a powerful tool with various functions, and for detailed instructions, please refer to the Table Tool user manual.
From main menu, select [Results] tab > [Type : Analysis result] > [Table] group > [Results Tables] > [Construction Stage] > [Beam Section Properties at Last Stage]
Elem : Element number
Part : i-end and j-end of an element
Area : Transformed section area
Ixx : Torsional Resistance about ECS x-axis
Iyy : Moment of Inertia about ECS y-axis
Izz : Moment of Inertia about ECS z-axis
Cyp : Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+) y-direction
Cym : Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-) y-direction
Czp : Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+) z-direction
Czm : Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-) z-direction
WArea : Transformed area for computing selfweight, Section varies with construction stages of tendons as follows:
Construction stage | Section for computing stress | Section for computing weigth |
placing tendons | Net section | Net section |
Prestressing tendons | Net section | Net section |
Grouting | Transformed section | Transformed section |
Translational Distance : Transfer distance of neutral axis (distance shifted from the original neutral axis to the neutral axis of the transformed section)
The location of the centroid, which is used for determining the distance the neutral axis has moved, is calculated for the section that does not reflect any tendon, reinforcement or Section Stiffness Scale Factor.
Local-y : Transfer distance of neutral axis in ECS y-direction
Local-z : Transfer distance of neutral axis in ECS z-direction
Element Coordinate System of a beam element
Section Stiffness Scale Factor is not considered in Beam Section Properties at Last Stage" table. In order to check the section properties including the changes due to Section Stiffness Scale Factor, refer to *.out file which is generated after an analysis in the same folder the model file is saved.