Display the internal forces of plate elements along defined cross sectional lines in a graph for each Pushover Step, based on the pushover analysis results.
This functionality allows us to check the analysis results in a desired direction regardless of the element local coordinate system used in creating plate elements.
From the main menu, select [Poshover] tab > [Diagram] group > [Forces] > [Plate Cutting Line Diagram]
Plate Cutting Line Diagram dialog box
Load Cases/Combinations
Select a desired load case, load combination or envelope case.
Click to the right to enter new or modify existing load combinations. (Refer to "Load Cases / Combinations")
Specify the step for which the analysis results are to be produced. The Step is defined in geometric nonlinear analysis as Load Step, and additional steps are defined in the construction stages of bridges or heat of hydration analyses.
The Construction Stage applicable for the output of the construction stage analysis is defined in Select Construction Stage for Display or Stage Toolbar.
When pushover analysis is performed for a structure containing Plate, Plane Stress or Solid elements, the pushover analysis results for Plate, Plane Stress or Solid elements can be produced by Steps.
Cutting Line Detail
Define coordinate systems, which will become the bases for producing the internal forces of plate elements.
Name : Name of a defined coordinate system
P0, P1, P2 : Coordinates defining the coordinate system
Add : Add the defined coordinate system to the list.
Modify : Modify cutting line data in a coordinate system registered in the list.
Delete : Delete selected coordinate systems.
Plate Force Options
Element : Display the contour using the internal forces calculated at each node of an element.
Avg. Nodal : Display the contour using the average internal nodal forces of the contiguous elements sharing the common nodes.
Avg.Nodal Active Only : Execute Avg. Nodal for only currently active elements.
Select the desired internal force component among the following:
Fxx : Axial force per unit width in the element's local or UCS x-direction (Perpendicular to local y-z plane)
Fyy : Axial force per unit width in the element's local or UCS y-direction (Perpendicular to local x-z plane)
Fxy : Shear force per unit width in the element's local or UCS x-y direction (In-plane shear)
Mxx : Bending moment per unit width in the direction of the element's local or UCS x-axis (Out-of-plane moment about local y-axis)
Myy : Bending moment per unit width in the direction of the element's local or UCS y-axis (Out-of-plane moment about local x-axis)
Mxy : Torsional moment per unit width about the element's local or UCS x-y plane
Vxx : Shear force per unit width in the direction of thickness of the x-axis direction defined by P0 and P1
Vyy : Shear force per unit width in the direction of thickness of the y-axis direction, which is perpendicular to the x-axis of the corresponding plane
(a) Force of Unit Length by In-plane Behavior
(b) Moment per unit length due to out-of-plane bending behavior
Element Strength Output per Unit Length of Plate Element
Define the plane and color for representing the graph.
Normal : Express the graph normal to the plate elements
In Plane : Express the graph in the plane of plate elements.
Scale Factor : Define the output scale ratio.
Reverse : Express the graph in the opposite direction. (+) <=> (-)
Produce the diagrams in graph windows.
Draw graphs
on separate panes : Produce a number of Plate Cutting Line Diagrams in separate graphs.
on All in one pane : Produce a number of Plate Cutting Line Diagrams all in one graph.
X-Axis : Define the X-Axis of the graph.
Distance From Pnt1 : The scale of the X-axis of the graph is drawn following the length of the cutting line starting from the first point.
Global X Coord. : The scale of the X-axis of the graph is drawn on the basis of the cutting line projected on the Global X-axis.
Global Y Coord. : The scale of the X-axis of the graph is drawn on the basis of the cutting line projected on the Global Y-axis.
Global Z Coord. : The scale of the X-axis of the graph is drawn on the basis of the cutting line projected on the Global Z-axis.
Value Output : Produce the output in numerical values.
MinMax Only : Produce only minimum and maximum values if Value Output is selected.
The 'Cutting Line' option in Cutting Diagram of Plate Forces/Moments and Plate Cutting Line Diagram differ in the following aspects
1) When 'Cutting Line' of Cutting Diagram is executed after selecting 'Local' of Plate Force Option in Plate Forces/Moments,
In this case, the plate forces in ECS x or y axis can be obtained at the intersections between the plate elements and the Cutting Line at A, B, C & D. The limitation is that only a single force component or contour can be checked.
2) When 'Cutting Line' of Cutting Diagram is executed after selecting 'UCS' of Plate Force Option in Plate Forces/Moments
Similar to the case 1 above, the plate forces can be obtained but in UCS, which is defined in advance in the directions of force components of interests.
3) If the Plate Cutting Line Diagram function is enabled
Regardless of the specific coordinate system, the absence force may be confirmed based on arbitrary line segment directions (P0, P1, P2) designated by the user.
In particular, this function has the convenience of not having to set the UCS coordinate system designated for checking the absence force in 2) above. Instead, it does not provide contour output.