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Unit System


  • Change the unit system currently in use.



From the main menu, select [Project] tab > [Setting] group > [Unit System]



When you run Unit System, the following Unit System dialog box appears.

Tools-unit system.png

Fig. Unit System dialog box


1. The units currently in use for "Length" and "Force" are selected and marked with button in the dialog box. 

2. First, select the new unit system for the length and force, then click Apply or OK to change the unit system. All the values appearing in the current window will change to suit the new unit system.

3. The values for heat will be changed as per the selected units, but the values for temperature will remain unchanged irrespective of unit change.

4. OK sets the new unit system and close the dialog box. Apply leaves the dialog box open. 

5. If OK or Apply is clicked while "Set/Change Default Unit System" is checked in, "Default Unit System" in "Preference" is changed to the new unit system.

NOTE.png The current unit system may also be changed by using the unit conversion window at the bottom of the status bar.


For the built-in DB of materials, values are changed with the selected temperature unit. However, for the materials defined by the user, the values are always in Celsius irrespective of the selected unit.

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