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Appendix Created Edited

Usage of Table Tool

Table of Contents

  • Terminology
  • Familiarize with Usage


1. Basic Directions

2. Data Manipulation

3. Copy/Paste Data using Clipboard


  • Supplementary Table Functions


1. Table Sorting

2. Table Format Setting

3. Resize Width

4. Graph Printing


  • Supplementary Functions by Table types


1. Node / Element Table

2. Results Table


Instructions for Use


Grid Cell : Rectangular space used to enter/output contents in the table

Column Header : First grid cell of a column

Row Header : First grid cell of a row

Title Row : Title declaration row at the top of the Table (Assembly of column headers)

Current Cell : Grid cell currently on standby for data entry or being worked upon

Current Row Mark : Row of the current cell

Append Row Mark : Row used to add data

Record : Unit of data stored in the database

For example, one node or one element is assigned as one record in the database and is represented by one row in the table.

Familiarize with Usage

1. Basic Directions

Move Current Cell
Press the arrow keys or [Tab] on the keyboard, or move the mouse to the relevant position and left-click.

Move Current Row
Press the arrow keys on the keyboard, or move the mouse to the relevant position and left-click.

Select Grid Cell
Select Grid cells to copy the contents of the table to the clipboard. Press [Shift] key with arrow keys, [Ctrl] key with arrow keys, or dragging the mouse to make a selection.

Select Row
Click a row header to select the entire row.

Select Column
Click a column header to select the entire column.

Select Entire Table
Select the first grid cell at the top-left corner of the table to select the entire table.

Adjust Column Width
Move the mouse to the border of a column header then the cursor transforms into a width control cursor. Then, left-click and drag the mouse to adjust the width.

Change Column Position
Click a column header to select the entire column. Then, left-click the mouse once again and drag the mouse to move the column to the desired position.

Enter in Grid Cell
Edit Box and Combo Box methods are used to enter data in a grid cell. Edit Box represents a conventional data entry on the keyboard. Combo Box allows a data entry by selecting one item listed in List Box with the mouse.


2. Data Manipulation

Data are manipulated by record (row) units. Accordingly, if the contents of each grid cell is modified in the currently edited record the modification is temporarily saved in the memory. If the current cell is moved to another record, the modified contents are saved in the database.

Add Data
If the data are entered after moving the current cell in the append row, a new record is created. The Edit mode is now in effect for the new record. At this time, a pencil mark () is displayed in the row header signifying that the record is being edited.

Move the current cell to another record by using the arrow keys or mouse to save the entries in the database.

Delete Data
Move the current cell to the record to be deleted and press [Delete] to remove the relevant record. If several records are to be simultaneously deleted, select all the records and press [Delete].

If no record is selected and [Delete] is pressed, the record in the current cell is deleted.

Modify Data
Move the current cell to the record to be modified and enter data in the record to switch to the Modify mode. At this time, a pencil mark () is also displayed in the row header signifying that the record is being edited.

Move the current cell to another record by using the arrow keys or mouse to save the modified entries in the database.

Cancel Enter/Modify
Pressing [Esc] during the data entry for a new record cancels the entry.

Pressing [Esc] during the modification of an existing record cancels the modification and restores the original value in the record.


3. Copy/Paste Data using Clipboard

Table Tool performs the same functions (copy. paste) as those in common text editors or Excel.

Assign the Copy Range

Using [Shift] and the arrow keys

Move the current cell to the beginning of the part to be copied. Select the range by using the arrow keys while pressing [Shift]. The selected range becomes dark on the screen.

Dragging the mouse

Click the start position of the range to be copied and drag the mouse to select the range. The selected range becomes dark on the screen.

Using [Shift] and the mouse

Move the current cell to the start position of the range to be copied and click the last grid cell of the range while pressing [Shift].

Using [Ctrl] and the mouse

Select the desired cells by pressing [Ctrl] and left-clicking the cells.

The method is used to add new ranges that are discontinuous to a previously selected range. The previously selected range remains unchanged.

Select Entire Row

Click a row header or drag the mouse along the relevant row to select the entire row.

Toggle rows by pressing [Ctrl] and clicking the row headers.

Select Entire Column

Click a column header or drag the mouse along the relevant column to select the entire column.

Toggle columns by pressing [Ctrl] and clicking the column headers.

Select Entire Table

Select the entire table by clicking the first grid cell of the table.


After a copy range is assigned, press [Ctrl] + C or click copy icon to copy the contents to the clipboard. If a copy range is not assigned, the contents of the current cell are copied.


Move the current cell to the start position from which the contents in the clipboard are to be pasted and press [Ctrl]+V or click paste icon.

Copy / Paste Rules

Paste at the Position of an Existing Record

If new contents are pasted at the position of an existing record, the existing record will be modified and the modification is saved in the database.

Paste at the Position of an existing Record being Edited

If new contents are pasted at a record currently being edited the record will be modified but not saved in the database. If the current row is moved to another record then the edition is completed and the modified contents are saved in the database.

Paste in Append Row

If new contents are pasted in Append Row a new record will be created and added to the database. If the number of columns of the paste range and that of the table are different, the remainder is filled with default values. For example, when the paste range contains 5 columns and the table contains 6 columns, and when Paste starts at the first column, the 6th column is filled with the default values that are saved in the database.

Cases Where Paste Cannot Function

1) When the paste range exceeds the range of the table, Paste does not function. For example, when the paste range contains 5 columns and the table contains 6 columns and Paste starts from the 3rd or a subsequent column, Paste does not function.

2) When the paste range contains 5 rows and the table contains 6 rows (Append Row excluded), Paste does not function from the 3rd row either.

3) When the size of the range to be pasted and the target paste range are different, Paste does not function either. For example, when the copy range contains 3 rows and 2 columns and the target paste range contains 2 rows and 2 columns, Paste does not function. However, if the copy range is a single grid cell and the target paste range contains 1 column, Paste functions even though there are more than one row.

4) When the contents contain errors, Paste does not function.

Data Exchange with Excel Using Copy / Paste

Paste Table Data in Excel

Select the range in the table, which is to be copied and press [Ctrl]+C or click copy icon.

Click the start position of the target paste range in Excel and press [Ctrl]+V or paste icon.

Paste Excel Data in the Table

Select the range in Excel, which is to be copied and press [Ctrl]+C or click copy icon.

Click the start position of the target paste range in the table and press [Ctrl]+V or paste icon.

Supplementary Table Functions

1. Table Sorting


View the table sorted by columns.

It provides options for sorting in Ascending /Descending Orders. It also provides the feature of sorting by several columns.


Right-click the mouse in the table

From the Context Menu select Sorting Dialog


Sorting Information dialog box

Table Columns : Names of the columns in the table

Select the desired column names in Table Columns, and click the right-headed arrow or double-click the selection to switch to Sort Key Columns so that the column names are used as keys for sorting.

Sort Key Columns : Names of the columns used for the table to be sorted

Select the desired column names in Sort Key Columns, and click the left-headed arrow or double-click the selection to exclude from the Sort Key Columns.

Checking 'Asc' for Sort Key Columns will sort the data in ascending order, and unchecking 'Asc' will sort it in descending order.


Change the order of priority of the columns in Sort Key Columns.

Up : Move the column upward

Down : Move the column downward

2. Table Format Setting


Change the width of the columns, align to left/right and control the format and decimal points of real numbers.


Right-click the mouse in the table.

From the Context Menu select Style Dialog.


Style dialog box


Names of the columns in the Table


Type of data (integer, real, string of characters)

Name and Table are prohibited from being changed.


Width of the current column (Pixel unit)


Assign the alignment (left, center, right)


Assign the output format for real numbers

Default : Output the values as entered

Fixed : Fixed decimal points

Scientific : Exponential

General : Fixed decimal points or exponentials depending on the values of real numbers

Place : Number of decimal points


3. Resize Width


Auto-fit the widths of columns relative to the length of the output contents in the table.


Right-click the mouse in the table.

Select Resize Width from the Context Menu.


4. Graph Printing


Plot the contents of the table in various types of graphs.


Select the range in the table to be plotted in a graph (Range selection is similar to that of Copy).

Right-click the mouse in the table.

From the Context Menu select Show Graph.


Graph View dialog box

Graph Type : Select the type for graphic output.

When the items are selected, the corresponding graph type is displayed to the right.

Index : Assign the column used as an axis.

Select one item among the columns selected in the copy range or the Default (Serial Number).

Graph Title : Enter the title of the graphic output.

Supplementary Functions by Table types

1. Node / Element Table

Select Node / Element

If records are selected in the Node / Element table, the nodes (elements) corresponding to the selected records are displayed in Model View.

Enable Edit/Disable Edit


Assign columns with Enable/Disable that represent the possibility of editing. The current cell cannot be moved to the grid cell set to Disable.


Move the mouse cursor to the column to be assigned with Enable/Disable and right-click the mouse.

From the Context Menu select Enable/Disable.



Assign the numbering method for nodes (elements).


Right-click the mouse.

From the Context Menu select Numbering

Select & Filter


Select nodes (elements) or output only a part of the selected nodes (elements) in the table.


Right-click the mouse.

From the Context Menu select Select & Filter.


Selection/Filtering dialog box

Edit Box

Enter the node (element) numbers to select

Data can be entered sequentially or using "to-by".

(Example: 4,5,6,......,35,36,37: 4 to 37)

(Example: 4,6,8,10,12,14,16: 4 to 16 by 2)


Selection : Select nodes or elements in the filtered table.

Filtering : Display only the nodes or elements selected in the table.

All : Select all nodes (elements)

None : Cancel the selection of the nodes (elements)

Inversion : Cancel the currently selected nodes (elements) and select the unselected nodes (elements)

Previous : Reselect the previously selected nodes (elements)


2. Results Table

Activate Records

Select only specific nodes (elements) in Results Table for displaying the results. The results can be produced by the element attributes (element types, material types, section types, groups, etc.), or the element forces and stresses can be reviewed by load cases/combinations, construction stages and locations (I-nodes, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and j-nodes.

Right-click the mouse in Results Table.
From the Context Menu select Activate Records.


Record Activation dialog

Node or Element
Selected nodes (elements) are listed. The usage is identical to Select Identity.

Check on the load cases/combinations for which the results are to be generated. When construction stage analysis is performed, construction stage load cases are listed. For the construction stage load cases that are automatically generated in the post-processor, refer to Combinations.

When construction stage analysis is performed, Stage/Step box is activated and construction stages/steps are listed. Check on the construction stages/steps for which the results are to be generated.

Eigenvalue Mode
When Eigenvalue analysis is performed, this Mode is activated and Eigenvalue modes are listed. Check on the Eigenvalue modes for which the results are to be generated.

Buckling Mode
When buckling analysis is performed, this Mode is activated and the buckling modes are listed. Check on the buckling modes for which the results are to be generated.

View by Load Cases


From the results table, the desired results are produced by load cases.


Right-click the mouse in Results Table.
From the Context Menu select Active by Load Cases.


Result View Items dialog box

Items to Display
Check the desired items in the interpretation results section that are displayed in the table.

LoadCases to Display
Check the desired items in the load cases list that are displayed in the table.

View by Max Value Item

For the results due to moving load analysis, settlement analysis, etc., generate the concurrent forces under the condition where a specific item is the largest.


Right-click the mouse in Results Table.
From the Context Menu select Activate Records.


Result View dialog box

In the Result View Items dialog box, after selecting the load case, when you choose a specific member force in the Item to Display, other member forces will be displayed in the table when the selected member force is at its maximum value.

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