- Enter the radius and type of curvature. Once the girder radius value of the element units in the steel composite section is entered, the corresponding elements are categorized as curved bridges.
From the main menu, select [Rating] tab > [Type : Steel Bridge] > [Steel Bridge : AASHTO] > [Rating Input Data] group > [Rating Parameters] > [Curved Bridge Info.]
Firstly, select the members in the model and enter the following:
Curved Bridge Information
Girder Radius : Radius of curvature for selected element(s). Radius is used for the review of shear connectors' pitch and the moment of inertia of area for the longitudinal stiffener attached to web.
Curvature Type : Classify the curvature as concave or convex. The curve type needs to be determined as convex or concave so that the program determines whether the longitudinal stiffener is on the side of the web away or toward from the center of the curvature.
Click Apply to assign the shear connectors.
Lateral bending stress due to curvature is obtained from the analysis results and not using V-Load equation.