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CS454/20 Created Edited

Assessment Code Parameters


  • Define the relevant parameters for the assessment to be carried out, including condition factor, type of material strength, partial safety factors and which checks to be carried out and included in the reports.



From the main menu, select [Rating] tab > [Type : Steel Bridge] > [Assessment Code : CS454/20] > [Assessment Input Data] group > [Assessment Parameters] > [Assessment Code Parameters]



Condition Factor - Fc

A factor, less than or equal to 1.0, accounting for potential reductions in resistance associated with condition that are not already accounted for in the values of material strengths, the partial factors for material strengths or the resistance model.

Material Strength used for Assessment

Specify whether characteristic or worst credible strength is to be used in the member checks for the assessment. Note that this corresponds to the strength provided under Modify Composite Material.

User Input

Check ON to access and control the material partial safety factors manually. If checked OFF, then the partial safety factors will be applied as specified by the code.

Ultimate Limit State

Choose which ULS checks to be performed for the assessment.

Serviceability Limit State

Choose which SLS checks to be performed for the assessment.

Detailed Report

Choose whether ULS and SLS checks to be included in the detailed member check report.

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