- Generate a table summarizing the structural adequacy and reserve factors for the shear resistance of the members based on the assessment checks for ULS.
From the main menu, select [Rating] tab > [Type : PSC Bridge] > [PSC Bridge : CS454/20] > [Result] group > [Assessment Result Tables] > [Shear Reserve Factors Table]
Element : Element ID
Part : The i- or j-end of the element, giving the Node ID at that end in square brackets [Node ID]
Rating Case : The relevant Load Combinations for Assessment. Assessment check is performed for 12 sets of concurrent forces for each load combination.
RA* : Assessment Resistance.
S* : Assessment load effects due to a SV or SOV, STGO or SO vehicle.
SD* : Assessment load effects due to dead and superimposed dead loads.
SST* : Assessment load effects due to associated standard vehicle (ALL model 1 or ALL model 2).
SA* : Assessment load effects
A : Structural Adequacy – calculated as the assessment resistance over the assessment load effects (RA*/SA*).
Psi : Reserve Factor against a special vehicle load model with the associated standard vehicle loading. The symbol hyphen (-) is shown when the shear directions are different between resistance and shear force due to special vehicle.
Psi* : Reserve Factor against a special vehicle load model without the associated standard vehicle loading. The symbol hyphen (-) is shown when the shear directions are different between resistance and shear force due to special vehicle.
Check : An overall indication whether the section passed all checks and is OK or Not Good (NG)