- Display the sectional data for SRC members arranged in a table in the order of section numbers.
- Modify/Delete existing or Add New data while reviewing the entered data.
From the main menu, select [Design] tab > [Type : SRC Design] > [Table] group > [Parameter Tables] > [Modify SRC Section Data]
Use the following table and select the relevant fields to modify/delete and add data.
Modify SRC Section Data Table
Section : Section property number
Auto Calc : Determine whether to auto-calculate the main rebar spacing in the program or to enter directly.
Space : Spacing of hoop (tie) rebars
RB Name : Main rebar standard size
Nqr b : Number of vertical rebars
Nrow : Number of rows of vertical rebars
do : Distance (cover thickness) from the center of the main rebars to the face of the section
Tie Size : Size of the rebars accounted for shear resistance
Tie Spacing : Spacing of the rebars accounted for shear resistance