Input URI
{base url} + db/FIMP |
Active Methods
JSON Schema
"FIMP": {
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"NAME": {
"description": "Name",
"type": "string"
"description": "MaterialType",
"type": "string"
"description": "HysteresisModel",
"type": "string"
"description": "AssignType",
"type": "string"
"CONC": {
"description": "Concrete",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FC": {
"description": "fc",
"type": "number"
"EC0": {
"description": "ec0",
"type": "number"
"K": {
"description": "K",
"type": "number"
"ECU": {
"description": "ecu",
"type": "number"
"description": "PartialSafetyFactor",
"type": "number"
"description": "ec1,ZSelection",
"type": "integer"
"Z": {
"description": "Z",
"type": "number"
"EC1": {
"description": "ec1",
"type": "number"
"description": "StrengthAfterCriticalStrain(ecu)Property",
"type": "integer"
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FC": {
"description": "fc",
"type": "number"
"EPEAK": {
"description": "epeak",
"type": "number"
"description": "PartialSafetyFactor",
"type": "number"
"JP_H14": {
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "EarthquakeType",
"type": "number"
"EC": {
"description": "Ec",
"type": "number"
"description": "σck",
"type": "number"
"description": "σsy",
"type": "number"
"ALPHA": {
"description": "α",
"type": "number"
"description": "σbt",
"type": "number"
"AH": {
"description": "Ah",
"type": "number"
"S": {
"description": "s",
"type": "number"
"D": {
"description": "d",
"type": "number"
"BETA": {
"description": "β",
"type": "number"
"description": "StrengthafterCriticalStrainProperty",
"type": "integer"
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "σck",
"type": "number"
"description": "εcc",
"type": "number"
"K": {
"description": "K",
"type": "number"
"description": "εcu",
"type": "number"
"description": "εt0",
"type": "number"
"description": "εtu",
"type": "number"
"description": "εt1",
"type": "number"
"description": "StrengthafterCriticalStrainProperty",
"type": "integer"
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "Inputmethod:σ-ε/σ-α",
"type": "integer"
"description": "",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "εt",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "εy",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "εcu",
"type": "number"
"K_ITEMS": {
"description": "K",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"CHGB02": {
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FCK": {
"description": "fc*",
"type": "number"
"EC": {
"description": "εc",
"type": "number"
"FTK": {
"description": "ft*",
"type": "number"
"ET": {
"description": "εt",
"type": "number"
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "ConcreteType",
"type": "integer"
"KE": {
"description": "ConfinedConreteData",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "Section&ConfinementRebarType",
"type": "integer"
"OPT_ACC": {
"description": "UseAreaofEffectiveConcreteCore(Acc)",
"type": "boolean"
"ACC": {
"description": "AreaofEffectiveConcreteCore(Acc)",
"type": "number"
"OPT_AE": {
"description": "UseTotalAreaofEffectivelyConfinedCoreConcrete",
"type": "boolean"
"AE": {
"description": "TotalAreaofEffectivelyConfinedCoreConcrete",
"type": "number"
"OPT_KE": {
"description": "UseAe/Acc=Ae/(Ac(1-ρcc))",
"type": "boolean"
"KE": {
"description": "Ae/Acc=Ae/(Ac(1-ρcc))",
"type": "number"
"OPT_FL": {
"description": "UseTheEffectiveLateralconfiningstressontheConcrete(Circular)",
"type": "boolean"
"FL": {
"description": "TheEffectiveLateralconfiningstressontheConcrete(Circular)",
"type": "number"
"CCS": {
"description": "ConfinedConcreteStrength&Strain",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"OPT_FCC": {
"description": "UseStrengthofConfinedConcrete(fcc)",
"type": "boolean"
"FCC": {
"description": "StrengthofConfinedConcrete(fcc)",
"type": "number"
"description": "UseStrainforConfinedConcretecorrespondingtofcc(ecc)",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "StrainforConfinedConcretecorrespondingtofcc(ecc)",
"type": "number"
"description": "UseYieldStrainforconfinedConcrete",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "YieldStrainforconfinedConcrete",
"type": "number"
"description": "EnableUltimateStrainforConcreteGroup",
"type": "boolean"
"USE_RHO_S": {
"description": "UseRatiooftheVolumeofTransverse...(ρs)",
"type": "boolean"
"RHO_S": {
"description": "RatiooftheVolumeofTransverse...(ρs)",
"type": "number"
"description": "UltimateStrainforConfinedConcrete-SteelMatrial",
"type": "integer"
"description": "UseUltimateStrainforConfinedConcrete-eCU",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "UltimateStrainforConfinedConcrete-deCU",
"type": "number"
"UCD": {
"description": "UnconfinedConcreteData",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"OPT_FCO": {
"description": "UseUnconfinedConcreteStrength",
"type": "boolean"
"FCO": {
"description": "UnconfinedConcreteStrength",
"type": "number"
"description": "UseUnconfinedConcreteStrain",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "UnconfinedConcreteStrain",
"type": "number"
"description": "UseYieldStrainforunconfinedConcrete",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "YieldStrainforunconfinedConcrete",
"type": "number"
"description": "UseSpallingStrainforUnconfined",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "SpallingStrainforUnconfined",
"type": "number"
"IDX_EC": {
"description": "ElasticModulusofConcreteIndex",
"type": "integer"
"EC": {
"description": "ElasticModulusofConcrete",
"type": "number"
"IDX_FT": {
"description": "TensileStrengthofConcreteIndex",
"type": "integer"
"FT": {
"description": "TensileStrengthofConcrete",
"type": "number"
"description": "TensileStrainofConcrete",
"type": "number"
"FIELD_2": {
"description": "Field2",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"nRectSectAutoorUser": {
"description": "",
"type": "integer"
"nCircSectAutoorUser": {
"description": "",
"type": "integer"
"dXdirectionbc": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"dXdirectionwxi": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"nXdirectionn": {
"description": "",
"type": "integer"
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"description": "",
"type": "number"
"dYdirectionwyj": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"nYdirectionm": {
"description": "",
"type": "integer"
"dds": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"nLongiRebarType": {
"description": "",
"type": "integer"
"nLongiRebarNum": {
"description": "",
"type": "integer"
"strLongiRebarSize": {
"description": "",
"type": "string"
"dLongiRebarArea": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"bLongiRebarRatio": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"dLongiRebarRatio": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
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"description": "",
"type": "integer"
"strGeneralRebarSize": {
"description": "",
"type": "string"
"dGeneralRebarArea": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"dHoopsSpaceS1": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"dClearHoopsSpaceS2": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"nGeneralRebarNumX": {
"description": "",
"type": "integer"
"nGeneralRebarNumY": {
"description": "",
"type": "integer"
"dGeneralAsx": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"dGeneralAsy": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"bRectStrengthfyh": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"dRectStrengthfyh": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"bGeneralAsx": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"bGeneralAsy": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"bRectRatiopx": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"dRectRatiopx": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"bRectRatiopy": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"dRectRatiopy": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"bRectStressflx": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"dRectStressflx": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"bRectStressfly": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"dRectStressfly": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"bCircularStrengthfyh": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"dCircularStrengthfyh": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"bGeneralRebarArea": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"bCircularRatiops": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"dCircularRatiops": {
"description": "",
"type": "number"
"JP_H24": {
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"EC": {
"description": "Ec",
"type": "number"
"description": "σck",
"type": "number"
"description": "σsy",
"type": "number"
"ALPHA": {
"description": "α",
"type": "number"
"description": "σbt",
"type": "number"
"AH": {
"description": "Ah",
"type": "number"
"S": {
"description": "s",
"type": "number"
"D": {
"description": "d",
"type": "number"
"BETA": {
"description": "β",
"type": "number"
"description": "StrengthafterCriticalStrainProperty",
"type": "integer"
"CHGB10": {
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FCR": {
"description": "fc.r",
"type": "number"
"FTR": {
"description": "ft.r",
"type": "number"
"ECR": {
"description": "εc.r",
"type": "number"
"ETR": {
"description": "εt.r",
"type": "number"
"EC": {
"description": "Ec",
"type": "number"
"STEEL": {
"description": "Steel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "Menegoto-PintoModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FY": {
"description": "fy",
"type": "number"
"E": {
"description": "E",
"type": "number"
"B": {
"description": "b",
"type": "number"
"description": "PartialSafetyFactor",
"type": "number"
"description": "BilinearModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FY": {
"description": "fy",
"type": "number"
"E1": {
"description": "E1",
"type": "number"
"E2E1": {
"description": "E2/E1",
"type": "number"
"description": "PartialSafetyFactor",
"type": "number"
"description": "AsymmetricalBilinearSteelModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"SIGMA_Y": {
"description": "σY",
"type": "number"
"description": "σCY",
"type": "number"
"EPSILON_1": {
"description": "ε1",
"type": "number"
"EPSILON_2": {
"description": "ε2",
"type": "number"
"E_ITEMS": {
"description": "E",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "TrilinearSteelModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "Inputmethod:σ-ε/σ-α",
"type": "integer"
"description": "σy",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "εy",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"K_ITEMS": {
"description": "K",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "ParkModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FY": {
"description": "fy",
"type": "number"
"FU": {
"description": "fu",
"type": "number"
"ES": {
"description": "Es",
"type": "number"
"description": "εsh",
"type": "number"
"description": "εsu",
"type": "number"
"description": "JapanRoadwaySpecificationModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"SIGMA_Y": {
"description": "σy",
"type": "number"
"ES": {
"description": "Es",
"type": "number"
"description": "εst",
"type": "number"
"CHGB10": {
"description": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FYR": {
"description": "fyr",
"type": "number"
"FSTR": {
"description": "fstr",
"type": "number"
"description": "εc",
"type": "number"
"description": "εt",
"type": "number"
"EUY": {
"description": "Euy",
"type": "number"
"EU": {
"description": "Eu",
"type": "number"
"K": {
"description": "K",
"type": "number"
"description": "EnergyBasedModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "ShapeofCurve(General/PerfectPlastic)",
"type": "integer"
"description": "EnableStrengthLossBoolean",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "UseStrengthLossBoolean",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "IsSymmetricBoolean",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "InputType",
"type": "integer"
"description": "ForceMomentRatioItmes",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"ITEMS": {
"description": "",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "YieldStrength(+,-)",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "YieldStrian-UserDefined",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "YieldStrainItems",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "ElasticModulus",
"type": "number"
"description": "UseTotalStrengthLossatPointE,-E",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "EnableTotalStrengthLossatPointE,-E",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "UseCyclicDegration",
"type": "boolean"
"A_B_P": {
"description": "A-B(CyclicDegenration:+)",
"type": "number"
"C_P": {
"description": "C(CyclicDegenration:+)",
"type": "number"
"D_P": {
"description": "D(CyclicDegenration:+)",
"type": "number"
"E_P": {
"description": "E(CyclicDegenration:+)",
"type": "number"
"A_B_M": {
"description": "A-B(CyclicDegenration:-)",
"type": "number"
"C_M": {
"description": "C(CyclicDegenration:-)",
"type": "number"
"D_M": {
"description": "D(CyclicDegenration:-)",
"type": "number"
"E_M": {
"description": "E(CyclicDegenration:-)",
"type": "number"
"description": "UnloadingStiffnessFactorBoolean",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "UnloadingStiffnessFactor",
"type": "number"
Concrete - Kent & Park Model
"Assign": {
"3": {
"NAME": "Conc_Kent&Park",
"CONC": {
"FC": 30000,
"EC0": 0.002,
"K": 1,
"ECU": 0.003,
"EC1_METHOD": 0,
"EC1": 0.0025,
Concrete - Japanese Concrete Standard Specification Model
"Assign": {
"4": {
"NAME": "Conc_JCSS",
"CONC": {
"FC": 30000,
"EPEAK": 0.002,
Concrete - Japan Roadway Specification(H.24) Model
"Assign": {
"5": {
"NAME": "Conc_JRS24",
"CONC": {
"JP_H24": {
"EC": 340000,
"SIGMA_CK": 30000,
"SIGMA_SY": 400000,
"ALPHA": 1,
"SIGMA_BT": 10000,
"AH": 0.0004,
"S": 0.12,
"D": 0.8,
"BETA": 1,
Concrete - Japan Roadway Specification(H.14) Model
"Assign": {
"6": {
"NAME": "Conc_JRS14",
"CONC": {
"JP_H14": {
"EC": 340000,
"SIGMA_CK": 30000,
"SIGMA_SY": 400000,
"ALPHA": 1,
"SIGMA_BT": 10000,
"AH": 0.0004,
"S": 0.12,
"D": 0.8,
"BETA": 1,
Concrete - Nagoya Highway Corporation Model
"Assign": {
"7": {
"NAME": "Conc_NGCM",
"CONC": {
"SIGMA_CK": 30000,
"EPSILON_CC": 0.0023,
"K": 1,
"EPSILON_CU": 0.011,
"EPSILON_T0": 1e-06,
"EPSILON_TU": 0.1,
"EPSILON_T1": 0.05,
Concrete - Trilinear Concrete Model
"Assign": {
"8": {
"NAME": "Conc_Trilinear",
"CONC": {
"EPSILON_CU": 0.0035
Concrete - China Concrete Code (GB50010-10)
"Assign": {
"9": {
"NAME": "Conc_GB50010-10",
"CONC": {
"CHGB10": {
"FCR": 40000,
"FTR": 10000,
"ECR": 0.00178782,
"ETR": 0.000225379,
"EC": 340000
Concrete - China Concrete Code (GB50010-02)
"Assign": {
"10": {
"NAME": "Conc_GB50010-02",
"CONC": {
"CHGB02": {
"FCK": 40000,
"EC": 0.00178782,
"FTK": 10000,
"ET": 0.000225379
Concrete - Mander Model
"Assign": {
"11": {
"NAME": "Conc_Mander_Type1",
"CONC": {
"KE": {
"OPT_ACC": true,
"ACC": 0,
"OPT_AE": true,
"AE": 0,
"OPT_KE": false,
"KE": 0,
"OPT_FL": false,
"FL": 0
"CCS": {
"OPT_FCC": false,
"FCC": 0,
"OPT_EPSILON_CC": false,
"OPT_EPSILON_CY": false,
"USE_RHO_S": false,
"RHO_S": 0,
"USE_EPSILON_CU": false,
"UCD": {
"OPT_FCO": true,
"FCO": 40000,
"EPSILON_CO": 0.002,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.0014,
"EPSILON_SP": 0.02,
"IDX_EC": 0,
"EC": 31622776.601683795,
"IDX_FT": 2,
"FT": 0,
"FIELD_2": {
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"nCircSectAutoorUser": 1,
"dXdirectionbc": 0,
"dXdirectionwxi": 0,
"nXdirectionn": 0,
"dYdirectiondc": 0,
"dYdirectionwyj": 0,
"nYdirectionm": 0,
"dds": 0,
"nLongiRebarType": 0,
"nLongiRebarNum": 0,
"strLongiRebarSize": "",
"dLongiRebarArea": 0,
"bLongiRebarRatio": false,
"dLongiRebarRatio": 0,
"nGeneralRebarType": 0,
"strGeneralRebarSize": "",
"dGeneralRebarArea": 0,
"dHoopsSpaceS1": 0,
"dClearHoopsSpaceS2": 0,
"nGeneralRebarNumX": 0,
"nGeneralRebarNumY": 0,
"dGeneralAsx": 0,
"dGeneralAsy": 0,
"bRectStrengthfyh": false,
"dRectStrengthfyh": 0,
"bGeneralAsx": false,
"bGeneralAsy": false,
"bRectRatiopx": false,
"dRectRatiopx": 0,
"bRectRatiopy": false,
"dRectRatiopy": 0,
"bRectStressflx": false,
"dRectStressflx": 0,
"bRectStressfly": false,
"dRectStressfly": 0,
"bCircularStrengthfyh": false,
"dCircularStrengthfyh": 0,
"bGeneralRebarArea": false,
"bCircularRatiops": false,
"dCircularRatiops": 0
"12": {
"NAME": "Conc_Mander_Type2",
"CONC": {
"KE": {
"OPT_ACC": false,
"ACC": 0.7949032360000001,
"OPT_AE": false,
"AE": 0.6982378125,
"OPT_KE": false,
"KE": 0.8783934709004002,
"OPT_FL": false,
"FL": 0
"CCS": {
"OPT_FCC": false,
"FCC": 63098.065622451395,
"OPT_EPSILON_CC": false,
"EPSILON_CC": 0.007774516405612848,
"OPT_EPSILON_CY": false,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.007774516405612848,
"USE_RHO_S": false,
"RHO_S": 0.019161251999999997,
"EPSILON_CU": 0.01
"UCD": {
"OPT_FCO": true,
"FCO": 40000,
"EPSILON_CO": 0.002,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.0014,
"EPSILON_SP": 0.02,
"IDX_EC": 0,
"EC": 31622776.601683795,
"IDX_FT": 0,
"FT": 3921.224298608791,
"EPSILON_T": 0.000124
"FIELD_2": {
"nRectSectAutoorUser": 1,
"nCircSectAutoorUser": 1,
"dXdirectionbc": 1,
"dXdirectionwxi": 0.2,
"nXdirectionn": 3,
"dYdirectiondc": 0.8,
"dYdirectionwyj": 0.1,
"nYdirectionm": 1,
"dds": 0,
"nLongiRebarType": 0,
"nLongiRebarNum": 10,
"strLongiRebarSize": "#8",
"dLongiRebarArea": 0.005096764,
"bLongiRebarRatio": false,
"dLongiRebarRatio": 0.006370955,
"nGeneralRebarType": 0,
"strGeneralRebarSize": "#6",
"dGeneralRebarArea": 0.0002838704,
"dHoopsSpaceS1": 0.1,
"dClearHoopsSpaceS2": 0.07,
"nGeneralRebarNumX": 3,
"nGeneralRebarNumY": 3,
"dGeneralAsx": 0.0008516112,
"dGeneralAsy": 0.0008516112,
"bRectStrengthfyh": false,
"dRectStrengthfyh": 500000,
"bGeneralAsx": false,
"bGeneralAsy": false,
"bRectRatiopx": false,
"dRectRatiopx": 0.010645139999999997,
"bRectRatiopy": false,
"dRectRatiopy": 0.008516112,
"bRectStressflx": false,
"dRectStressflx": 4675.310736410342,
"bRectStressfly": false,
"dRectStressfly": 3740.248589128274,
"bCircularStrengthfyh": false,
"dCircularStrengthfyh": 0,
"bGeneralRebarArea": false,
"bCircularRatiops": false,
"dCircularRatiops": 0
"13": {
"NAME": "Conc_Mander_Type3",
"CONC": {
"KE": {
"OPT_ACC": false,
"ACC": 1.12472820664,
"OPT_AE": false,
"AE": 1.0659620224562874,
"OPT_KE": false,
"KE": 0.9477507687308119,
"OPT_FL": false,
"FL": 2241.9865818326925
"CCS": {
"OPT_FCC": false,
"FCC": 53621.47320604295,
"OPT_EPSILON_CC": false,
"EPSILON_CC": 0.005405368301510738,
"OPT_EPSILON_CY": false,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.005405368301510738,
"USE_RHO_S": false,
"RHO_S": 0,
"USE_EPSILON_CU": false,
"UCD": {
"OPT_FCO": false,
"FCO": 40000,
"OPT_EPSILON_CO": false,
"EPSILON_CO": 0.002,
"OPT_EPSILON_CY": false,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.0014,
"OPT_EPSILON_SP": false,
"EPSILON_SP": 0.02,
"IDX_EC": 0,
"EC": 31622776.601683795,
"IDX_FT": 2,
"FT": 0,
"FIELD_2": {
"nRectSectAutoorUser": 1,
"nCircSectAutoorUser": 1,
"dXdirectionbc": 0,
"dXdirectionwxi": 0,
"nXdirectionn": 0,
"dYdirectiondc": 0,
"dYdirectionwyj": 0,
"nYdirectionm": 0,
"dds": 1.2,
"nLongiRebarType": 0,
"nLongiRebarNum": 22,
"strLongiRebarSize": "#6",
"dLongiRebarArea": 0.0062451488,
"bLongiRebarRatio": false,
"dLongiRebarRatio": 0.005521923898525756,
"nGeneralRebarType": 0,
"strGeneralRebarSize": "#6",
"dGeneralRebarArea": 0.0002838704,
"dHoopsSpaceS1": 0.1,
"dClearHoopsSpaceS2": 0.07,
"nGeneralRebarNumX": 0,
"nGeneralRebarNumY": 0,
"dGeneralAsx": 0,
"dGeneralAsy": 0,
"bRectStrengthfyh": false,
"dRectStrengthfyh": 0,
"bGeneralAsx": false,
"bGeneralAsy": false,
"bRectRatiopx": false,
"dRectRatiopx": 0,
"bRectRatiopy": false,
"dRectRatiopy": 0,
"bRectStressflx": false,
"dRectStressflx": 0,
"bRectStressfly": false,
"dRectStressfly": 0,
"bCircularStrengthfyh": false,
"dCircularStrengthfyh": 500000,
"bGeneralRebarArea": false,
"bCircularRatiops": false,
"dCircularRatiops": 0.009462346666666668
"14": {
"NAME": "Conc_Mander_Type4",
"CONC": {
"KE": {
"OPT_ACC": false,
"ACC": 1.11677983544,
"OPT_AE": false,
"AE": 1.0979866325729999,
"OPT_KE": false,
"KE": 0.9831719715286623,
"OPT_FL": false,
"FL": 2325.7785068885833
"CCS": {
"OPT_FCC": false,
"FCC": 54077.70305055938,
"OPT_EPSILON_CC": false,
"EPSILON_CC": 0.005519425762639845,
"OPT_EPSILON_CY": false,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.005519425762639845,
"USE_RHO_S": false,
"RHO_S": 0,
"USE_EPSILON_CU": false,
"UCD": {
"OPT_FCO": false,
"FCO": 40000,
"OPT_EPSILON_CO": false,
"EPSILON_CO": 0.002,
"OPT_EPSILON_CY": false,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.0014,
"OPT_EPSILON_SP": false,
"EPSILON_SP": 0.02,
"IDX_EC": 0,
"EC": 31622776.601683795,
"IDX_FT": 2,
"FT": 0,
"FIELD_2": {
"nRectSectAutoorUser": 1,
"nCircSectAutoorUser": 1,
"dXdirectionbc": 0,
"dXdirectionwxi": 0,
"nXdirectionn": 0,
"dYdirectiondc": 0,
"dYdirectionwyj": 0,
"nYdirectionm": 0,
"dds": 1.2,
"nLongiRebarType": 0,
"nLongiRebarNum": 22,
"strLongiRebarSize": "#9",
"dLongiRebarArea": 0.01419352,
"bLongiRebarRatio": false,
"dLongiRebarRatio": 0.012549827042103992,
"nGeneralRebarType": 0,
"strGeneralRebarSize": "#6",
"dGeneralRebarArea": 0.0002838704,
"dHoopsSpaceS1": 0.1,
"dClearHoopsSpaceS2": 0.07,
"nGeneralRebarNumX": 0,
"nGeneralRebarNumY": 0,
"dGeneralAsx": 0,
"dGeneralAsy": 0,
"bRectStrengthfyh": false,
"dRectStrengthfyh": 0,
"bGeneralAsx": false,
"bGeneralAsy": false,
"bRectRatiopx": false,
"dRectRatiopx": 0,
"bRectRatiopy": false,
"dRectRatiopy": 0,
"bRectStressflx": false,
"dRectStressflx": 0,
"bRectStressfly": false,
"dRectStressfly": 0,
"bCircularStrengthfyh": false,
"dCircularStrengthfyh": 500000,
"bGeneralRebarArea": false,
"bCircularRatiops": false,
"dCircularRatiops": 0.009462346666666668
"15": {
"NAME": "Conc_Mander_Type5",
"CONC": {
"KE": {
"OPT_ACC": false,
"ACC": 0.791483888,
"OPT_AE": false,
"AE": 0.7201384875000001,
"OPT_KE": false,
"KE": 0.9098586824296796,
"OPT_FL": false,
"FL": 0
"CCS": {
"OPT_FCC": false,
"FCC": 56825.02353922174,
"OPT_EPSILON_CC": false,
"EPSILON_CC": 0.006206255884805435,
"OPT_EPSILON_CY": false,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.006206255884805435,
"USE_RHO_S": false,
"RHO_S": 0,
"USE_EPSILON_CU": false,
"UCD": {
"OPT_FCO": false,
"FCO": 40000,
"OPT_EPSILON_CO": false,
"EPSILON_CO": 0.002,
"OPT_EPSILON_CY": false,
"EPSILON_CY": 0.0014,
"OPT_EPSILON_SP": false,
"EPSILON_SP": 0.02,
"IDX_EC": 0,
"EC": 31622776.601683795,
"IDX_FT": 2,
"FT": 0,
"FIELD_2": {
"nRectSectAutoorUser": 1,
"nCircSectAutoorUser": 1,
"dXdirectionbc": 1,
"dXdirectionwxi": 0.1,
"nXdirectionn": 3,
"dYdirectiondc": 0.8,
"dYdirectionwyj": 0.12,
"nYdirectionm": 2,
"dds": 0,
"nLongiRebarType": 0,
"nLongiRebarNum": 22,
"strLongiRebarSize": "#7",
"dLongiRebarArea": 0.008516112,
"bLongiRebarRatio": false,
"dLongiRebarRatio": 0.010645139999999999,
"nGeneralRebarType": 0,
"strGeneralRebarSize": "#6",
"dGeneralRebarArea": 0.0002838704,
"dHoopsSpaceS1": 0.1,
"dClearHoopsSpaceS2": 0.07,
"nGeneralRebarNumX": 2,
"nGeneralRebarNumY": 2,
"dGeneralAsx": 0.0005677408,
"dGeneralAsy": 0.0005677408,
"bRectStrengthfyh": false,
"dRectStrengthfyh": 500000,
"bGeneralAsx": false,
"bGeneralAsy": false,
"bRectRatiopx": false,
"dRectRatiopx": 0.007096759999999999,
"bRectRatiopy": false,
"dRectRatiopy": 0.005677408,
"bRectStressflx": false,
"dRectStressflx": 3228.524351559826,
"bRectStressfly": false,
"dRectStressfly": 2582.819481247861,
"bCircularStrengthfyh": false,
"dCircularStrengthfyh": 0,
"bGeneralRebarArea": false,
"bCircularRatiops": false,
"dCircularRatiops": 0
Steel - Menegotto-Pinto Model
"Assign": {
"16": {
"NAME": "Steel_MP",
"STEEL": {
"FY": 500000,
"E": 200000000,
"B": 0.7,
Steel - Bilinear Model
"Assign": {
"17": {
"NAME": "Steel_Blinear",
"STEEL": {
"FY": 500000,
"E1": 200000000,
"E2E1": 0.01,
Steel - Asymmetrical Bilinear Steel Model
"Assign": {
"18": {
"NAME": "Steel_ABSM",
"STEEL": {
"SIGMA_Y": 500000,
"SIGMA_CY": 500000,
"EPSILON_1": 0.003,
"EPSILON_2": 0.004,
"E_ITEMS": [
Steel - Trilinear Steel Model
"Assign": {
"19": {
"NAME": "Steel_Trilinear",
"STEEL": {
Steel - Park Model
"Assign": {
"20": {
"NAME": "Steel_Park",
"STEEL": {
"FY": 500000,
"FU": 800000,
"ES": 200000000,
"EPSILON_SH": 0.003,
"EPSILON_SU": 0.005
Steel - Japan Roadway Specification Model
"Assign": {
"21": {
"NAME": "Steel_JRSM",
"STEEL": {
"SIGMA_Y": 500000,
"ES": 200000000,
"EPSILON_ST": 0.005
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required | |
1 |
Material Name |
"NAME" |
String |
Required |
2 |
Material Type • Concrete: "CONC" • Steel: "STEEL" |
String |
Required |
3 |
Hysteresis Model ¹⁾ |
String |
Required |
4 |
Concrete Hysteresis Model |
"CONC" |
Object |
- |
Required |
Kent & Park Model |
(1) |
Kent & Park Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Concrete Strength (fc') |
"FC" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Partial Safety Factor |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Strength/Strain Factor (K) |
"K" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iv. Peak Strain (εc0) |
"EC0" |
Number |
- |
Required |
v. Hardening Strain Method • Manual: 0 • Calculation: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
vi. Hardening Strain Manual (εc1) |
"EC1" |
Number |
- |
Required |
vii. Hardening Strain Calculation (Z) |
"Z" |
Number |
- |
Required |
viii. Ultimate Strain (εcu) |
"ECU" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ix. Strength After Critical Strain Property • Assume Strength as Zero: 0 • Keep the Strength: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
Japanese Concrete Standard Specification Model |
(1) |
Japanese Concrete Standard Specification Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Concrete Strength (fc') |
"FC" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Partial Safety Factor |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Peak Strain (e’peak) |
Number |
- |
Required |
Japan Roadway Specification (H.24) Model |
(1) |
Japan Roadway Specification (H.24) Model |
"JP_H24" |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Concrete Elastic Modulus (Ec) |
"EC" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Concrete Strength (σck) |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Rebar Strength (σsy) |
Number |
- |
Required |
iv. Strength Factor (α) |
Number |
- |
Required |
v. Tensile Strength (σbt) |
Number |
- |
Required |
vi. Horizontal Rebar Area (Ah) |
"AH" |
Number |
- |
Required |
vii. Spacing (s) |
"S" |
Number |
- |
Required |
viii. Depth (d) |
"D" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ix. Strain Factor (β) |
"BETA" |
Number |
- |
Required |
x. Stiffness After Critical Strain Property • Keep the Stiffness Down: 0 • Assume Stiffness as Zero: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
Japan Roadway Specification (H.14) Model |
(1) |
Japan Roadway Specification (H.14) Model |
"JP_H14" |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Earthquake Type • Type I: 0 • Type II: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
ii. Concrete Elastic Modulus (Ec) |
"EC" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Concrete Strength (σck) |
Number |
- |
Required |
iv. Rebar Strength (σsy) |
Number |
- |
Required |
v. Strength Factor (α) |
Number |
- |
Required |
vi. Tensile Strength (σbt) |
Number |
- |
Required |
vii. Horizontal Rebar Area (Ah) |
"AH" |
Number |
- |
Required |
viii. Spacing (s) |
"S" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ix. Depth (d) |
"D" |
Number |
- |
Required |
x. Strain Factor (β) |
"BETA" |
Number |
- |
Required |
xi. Stiffness After Critical Strain Property • Keep the Stiffness Down: 0 • Assume Stiffness as Zero: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
Nagoya Highway Corporation Model |
(1) |
Nagoya Highway Corporation Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Concrete Strength (σck) |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Peak Compressive Strain (εcc) |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Strength Factor (K) |
"K" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iv. Ultimate Compressive Strain (εcu) |
Number |
- |
Required |
v. Peak Tensile Strain (εt0) |
Number |
- |
Required |
vi. Ultimate Tensile Strain (εtu) |
Number |
- |
Required |
vii. Zero Tensile Strength Strain (εt1) |
Number |
- |
Required |
viii. Strength After Critical Strain Property • Assume Strength as Zero: 0 • Keep the Strength: 1 |
Number |
- |
Required |
Trilinear Concrete Model |
(1) |
Trilinear Concrete Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Input Method • σ-ε Method: 0 • σ-α Method: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
ii. Concrete Strength • Index 0: σc1 • Index 1: σc2 • Index 2: σc3 |
Array |
- |
Required |
iii. Concrete Compressive Strain for σ-ε Method • Index 0: εc1 • Index 1: εc2 • Index 2: εc3 |
Array |
- |
Required |
iii. Concrete Compressive Strain for σ-α Method • Index 0: K1 • Index 1: K2/K1 • Index 2: K3/K1 |
Array |
- |
Required |
iv. Concrete Tensile Strain • Index 0: ε • Index 1: εt1 • Index 2: εtu |
Array |
- |
Required |
v. Ultimate Compressive Strain |
Number |
- |
Required |
China Concrete Code (GB50010-10) |
(1) |
China Concrete Code (GB50010-10) |
"CHGB10" |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Peak Concrete Compressive Strength (fc,r) |
"FCR" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Peak Concrete Tensile Strength (ft,r) |
"FTR" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Peak Concrete Compressive Strain (εc,r) |
"ECR" |
Number |
- |
Read |
iv. Peak Concrete Tensile Strain (εt,r) |
"ETR" |
Number |
- |
Read |
v. Concrete Modulus |
"EC" |
Number |
- |
Required |
China Concrete Code (GB50010-02) |
(1) |
China Concrete Code (GB50010-02) |
"CHGB02" |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Peak Concrete Compressive Strength (fc*) |
"FCK" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Peak Concrete Tensile Strength (ft*) |
"FTK" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Peak Concrete Compressive Strain (εc) |
"EC" |
Number |
- |
Read |
iv. Peak Concrete Tensile Strain (εt) |
"ET" |
Number |
- |
Read |
Mander Model |
(1) |
Mander Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Concrete Type • Unconfined Concrete: 0 • Confined Concrete: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
ii. Unconfined Concrete Data ²⁾ |
"UCD" |
Object |
- |
Required |
iii. Confinement Effectiveness Coefficient ²⁾ |
"KE" |
Object |
- |
Required |
iv. Confined Concrete Strength & Strain ²⁾ |
"CCS" |
Object |
- |
Required |
v. Section & Rebar Data Input ²⁾ |
"FIELD_2" |
Object |
- |
Required |
4 |
Steel Hysteresis Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
Menegotto-Pinto Model |
(1) |
Menegotto-Pinto Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Steel Strength (fy) |
"FY" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Steel Elastic Modulus (E) |
"E" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Factor (b) |
"B" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iv. Partial Safety Factor |
Number |
- |
Required |
Bilinear Model |
(1) |
Bilinear Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Steel Strength (fy) |
"FY" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Steel Elastic Modulus (E1) |
"E1" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Elastic Modulus Ratio (E2/E1) |
"E2E1" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iv. Partial Safety Factor |
Number |
- |
Required |
Asymmetrical Bilinear Steel Model |
(1) |
Asymmetrical Bilinear Steel Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Steel Tensile Strength (σy) |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Steel Compressive Strength (σcy) |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Compressive Strain |
Number |
- |
Required |
iv. Tensile Strain |
Number |
- |
Required |
v. Elastic Modulus • [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5] |
Array |
- |
Required |
Trilinear Steel Model |
(1) |
Asymmetrical Bilinear Steel Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Input Method • σ-ε Method: 0 • σ-α Method: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
ii. Steel Strength • Index 0: σ1y • Index 1: σ2y • Index 2: σ3y • Index 3: σ'1y • Index 4: σ'2y • Index 5: σ'3y |
Array |
- |
Required |
iii. Steel Strain for σ-ε Method • Index 0: ε1y • Index 1: ε2y • Index 2: ε3y |
Array |
- |
Required |
iv. Steel Modulus for σ-α Method • Index 0: K1 • Index 1: K2/K1 • Index 2: K3/K1 |
Array |
- |
Required |
Park Model |
(1) |
Park Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Yield Stress of Steel (fy) |
"FY" |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Ultimate Stress of Steel (fu) |
"FU" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Elastic Modulus of Steel (Es) |
"ES" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iv. Strain at the Onset of Strain Hardening (σsh) |
Number |
- |
Required |
v. Strain at the Steel Rupture (σsu) |
Number |
- |
Required |
Japan Roadway Specification Model |
(1) |
Japan Roadway Specification Model |
Object |
- |
Required |
i. Yield Stress of Steel (ρsy) |
Number |
- |
Required |
ii. Elastic Modulus of Steel (Es) |
"ES" |
Number |
- |
Required |
iii. Permissible Tensile Strain of Reinforcement (εst) |
Number |
- |
Required |
¹⁾ Hysteresis Model String
Model Type |
Model Name |
Value |
Concrete |
Kent & Park Model |
"KPM" |
Japanese Concrete Standard Specification Model |
Japan Roadway Specification (H.24) Model |
"JRSMH24" |
Japan Roadway Specification (H.14) Model |
"JRSM" |
Nagoya Highway Corporation Model |
"NHCM" |
Trilinear Concrete Model |
"TCM" |
China Concrete Code (GB50010-10) |
"GBCHINA2010" |
China Concrete Code (GB50010-02) |
Mander Model |
Steel |
Menegotto-Pinto Model |
"MPM" |
Bilinear Model |
"BM" |
Asymmetrical Bilinear Steel Model |
"UBSM" |
Trilinear Steel Model |
"TSM" |
Park Model |
"PM" |
Japan Roadway Specification Model |
"JRSM_S" |
²⁾ Detail JSON Structure for Mander Model
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required | |
1 |
Unconfined Concrete Data |
"UCD" |
Object |
- |
Required |
(1) |
Unconfined Concrete Strength - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(2) |
Unconfined Concrete Strength (fco') |
"FCO" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(3) |
Unconfined Concrete Strain - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(4) |
Unconfined Concrete Strain (fco') |
Number |
- |
Required |
(5) |
Yield Strain for Unconfined Concrete - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(6) |
Yield Strain for Unconfined Concrete (εcy) |
Number |
- |
Required |
(7) |
Spalling Strain for Unconfined Concrete - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(8) |
Spalling Strain for Unconfined Concrete (εsp) |
Number |
- |
Required |
(9) |
Elastic Modulus of Concrete Type • Mander et al.: 0 • User Input: 1 |
"IDX_EC" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(10) |
Elastic Modulus of Concrete (Ec) |
"EC" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(11) |
Tensile Strength of Concrete Type • Mander et al.: 0 • User Input: 1 • Neglect Tensile Strength: 2 |
"IDX_FT" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(12) |
Tensile Strength of Concrete (ft’) |
"FT" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(13) |
Tensile Strain of Concrete (εt) |
Number |
- |
Read |
2 |
Confinement Effectiveness Coefficient |
"KE" |
Object |
- |
Required |
(1) |
Section & Confinement Rebar Type • Rectangular: 0 • Circular-Hoop Confinement Steel: 1 • User Defined: 2 • Circular-Spiral Confinement Steel: 3 |
Number |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Area of Effective Concrete Core - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(3) |
Area of Effective Concrete Core (Acc) |
"ACC" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(4) |
Total Area of Effectively Confined Core Concrete - User Input Option |
"OPT_AE" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(5) |
Total Area of Effectively Confined Core Concrete (Ae) |
"AE" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(6) |
Confinement Effectiveness Coefficient - User Input Option |
"OPT_KE" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(7) |
Confinement Effectiveness Coefficient (ke) |
"KE" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(8) |
Effective Lateral Confining Stress on the Concrete - User Input Option |
"OPT_FL" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(9) |
Effective Lateral Confining Stress on the Concrete (f’l) |
"FL" |
Number |
- |
Required |
3 |
Confined Concrete Strength & Strain |
"CCS" |
Object |
- |
Required |
(1) |
Strength of Confined Concrete - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(2) |
Strength of Confined Concrete (fcc) |
"FCC" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(3) |
Strain for Confined Concrete - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(4) |
Strain for Confined Concrete (εcc) |
Number |
- |
Required |
(5) |
Yield Strain for Confined Concrete - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(6) |
Yield Strain for Confined Concrete (εcy) |
Number |
- |
Required |
(7) |
Ultimate Strain for Confined Concrete - Activation Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(8) |
Ratio of the Volume of Transverse Confining - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(9) |
Ratio of the Volume of Transverse Confining (ρs) |
"RHO_S" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(10) |
Steel Material Type • Not Selected: 0 • Inelastic Steel: 2 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(11) |
Ultimate Strain for Confined Concretes - User Input Option |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(12) |
Ultimate Strain for Confined Concretes (εcu) |
Number |
- |
Required |
4 |
Confined Concrete Strength & Strain |
"FIELD_2" |
Object |
- |
Required |
Rectangular Section Data |
(1) |
Rectangular Section Data - Input Type • User Input: 1 |
"nRectSectAutoorUser" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Concrete Core Dimension to Center Lines of Perimeter Hoop in y-dir (bc) |
"dXdirectionbc" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(3) |
i-th Clear Transverse Spacing Between Adjacent Longitudinal Rebars in y-dir (w’yi) |
"dXdirectionwxi" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(4) |
Number of Transverse Rebar in y-dir(n) |
"nXdirectionn" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(5) |
Concrete Core Dimension to Center Lines of Perimeter Hoop in z-dir (dc) |
"dYdirectiondc" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(6) |
i-th Clear Transverse Spacing Between Adjacent Longitudinal Rebars in z-dir (w’zj) |
"dYdirectionwyj" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(7) |
Number of Transverse Rebar in z-dir (m) |
"nYdirectionm" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
Rebar Data |
(8) |
Longitudinal Rebar Type • Rebar Number: 0 • Total Area of Rebars: 1 |
"nLongiRebarType" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(9) |
Number of Longitudinal Rebar |
"nLongiRebarNum" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(10) |
Rebar Size of Longitudinal Rebar |
"strLongiRebarSize" |
String |
- |
Required |
(11) |
Total Area of Rebars |
"dLongiRebarArea" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(12) |
Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio - User Input Option |
"bLongiRebarRatio" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(13) |
Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio (ρcc) |
"dLongiRebarRatio" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(14) |
General Confinement Rebar Type • Rebar Size: 0 • Rebar Area: 1 |
"nGeneralRebarType" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(15) |
Rebar Size of Confinement Rebar |
"strGeneralRebarSize" |
String |
- |
Required |
(16) |
Confinement Rebar Area |
"dGeneralRebarArea" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(17) |
Hoops Space (s) |
"dHoopsSpaceS1" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(18) |
Clear Hoops Space (s') |
"dClearHoopsSpaceS2" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(19) |
Confinement Rebar Number y-dir (ny) |
"nGeneralRebarNumX" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(20) |
Confinement Rebar Number z-dir (nz) |
"nGeneralRebarNumY" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
Rectangular Section - Effective Lateral Confining Stress |
(21) |
Confinement Rebar Yield Strength - User Input Option |
"bRectStrengthfyh" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(22) |
Confinement Rebar Yield Strength |
"dRectStrengthfyh" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(23) |
Total Area of Confinement Rebars in y-dir - User Input Option |
"bGeneralAsx" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(24) |
Total Area of Confinement Rebars in y-dir (Asy) |
"dGeneralAsx" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(25) |
Total Area of Confinement Rebars in z-dir - User Input Option |
"bGeneralAsy" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(26) |
Total Area of Confinement Rebars in z-dir (Asz) |
"dGeneralAsy" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(27) |
Ratio of the Volume of Transverse Confining Steel to the Volume of Confined Concrete Core in y-dir - User Input Option |
"bRectRatiopx" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(28) |
Ratio of the Volume of Transverse Confining Steel to the Volume of Confined Concrete Core in y-dir (ρy) |
"dRectRatiopx" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(29) |
Ratio of the Volume of Transverse Confining Steel to the Volume of Confined Concrete Core in z-dir - User Input Option |
"bRectRatiopy" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(30) |
Ratio of the Volume of Transverse Confining Steel to the Volume of Confined Concrete Core in z-dir (ρz) |
"dRectRatiopy" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(31) |
Effective Lateral Confining Stress on the Concrete in the y-dir - User Input Option |
"bRectStressflx" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(32) |
Effective Lateral Confining Stress on the Concrete in the y-dir (f’ly) |
"dRectStressflx" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(33) |
Effective Lateral Confining Stress on the Concrete in the z-dir - User Input Option |
"bRectStressfly" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(34) |
Effective Lateral Confining Stress on the Concrete in the z-dir (f’lz) |
"dRectStressfly" |
Number |
- |
Required |
Circular Section Data |
(35) |
Circular Section Data - Input Type • User Input: 1 |
"nCircSectAutoorUser" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(36) |
Diameter of Spiral |
"dds" |
Number |
- |
Required |
Circular Section - Effective Lateral Confining Stress |
(35) |
Confinement Rebar Yield Strength - User Input Option |
"bCircularStrengthfyh" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(36) |
Confinement Rebar Yield Strength (fyh) |
"dCircularStrengthfyh" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(37) |
Area of Confinement Rebar - User Input Option |
"bGeneralRebarArea" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(38) |
Ratio of Volume of Transverse Confining Steel - User Input Option |
"bCircularRatiops" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(39) |
Ratio of Volume of Transverse Confining Steel (ρs) |
"dCircularRatiops" |
Number |
- |
Required |