Input URI
{base url} + db/SDIS |
Active Methods
JSON Schema
"SDIS": {
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "Common",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"NAME": {
"description": "Name",
"type": "string"
"DESC": {
"description": "Description",
"type": "string"
"description": "InputMethod",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Company",
"type": "string"
"description": "ProductName",
"type": "string"
"description": "TypeNumber",
"type": "string"
"description": "DeviceType",
"type": "string"
"MSS": {
"description": "NumberofShearSprings",
"type": "integer"
"TAU_K": {
"description": "TAU_K(AdjustmentParameters)",
"type": "number"
"TAU_Q": {
"description": "TAU_Q(AdjustmentParameters)",
"type": "number"
"KV": {
"description": "Kv(C)_VerticalStiffness(kN/m)",
"type": "number"
"LRB": {
"description": "LRB",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "HysteresisProperties",
"type": "string"
"KE": {
"description": "Ke_InitialStiffness(kN/m)",
"type": "number"
"AR": {
"description": "Ar_RubberCrossSectionArea(m^2)",
"type": "number"
"TR": {
"description": "Tr_TotalThicknessofRubberLaminas(m)",
"type": "number"
"K0": {
"description": "K0_InitialStiffness(kN/m)",
"type": "number"
"K2": {
"description": "K2_2ndStiffness(kN/m)",
"type": "number"
"QD": {
"description": "Qd_CharacteristicStrengthofLRB(kN)",
"type": "number"
"DX": {
"description": "VerticalDirectionProperties(Dx)",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "UseConsiderVerticalDirectionNonlinearity",
"type": "boolean"
"BETA": {
"description": "Beta_TensileStiffnessReductionFactor",
"type": "number"
"ALPHA": {
"description": "Alpha_TensileStiffnessReductionRatio",
"type": "number"
"SIGMA_V": {
"description": "SigmaV_TensileLimitStrength(kN/m^2)",
"type": "number"
"NRB": {
"description": "NRB",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"AR": {
"description": "Ar_RubberCrossSectionArea(m^2)",
"type": "number"
"TR": {
"description": "Tr_TotalThicknessofRubberLaminas(m)",
"type": "number"
"KH": {
"description": "Kh_HorizontalStiffness(kN/m)",
"type": "number"
"DX": {
"description": "VerticalDirectionProperties(Dx)",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "UseConsiderVerticalDirectionNonlinearity",
"type": "boolean"
"BETA": {
"description": "Beta_TensileStiffnessReductionFactor",
"type": "number"
"ALPHA": {
"description": "Alpha_TensileStiffnessReductionRatio",
"type": "number"
"SIGMA_V": {
"description": "SigmaV_TensileLimitStrength(kN/m^2)",
"type": "number"
"SB": {
"description": "SB",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"AS": {
"description": "As_AreaoftheSlidingHead(m^2)",
"type": "number"
"K0": {
"description": "K0_InitialStiffness(kN/m)",
"type": "number"
"QD": {
"description": "QdIndex",
"type": "integer"
"Pi_VALUE": {
"description": "Pi(kN)",
"type": "number"
"MU0": {
"description": "Mu0_FrictionalFactor",
"type": "number"
"Assign": {
"1": {
"NAME": "Isolator01",
"DESC": "",
"MSS": 8,
"TAU_K": 1,
"TAU_Q": 1,
"KV": 1,
"LRB": {
"KE": 0,
"AR": 1e-06,
"TR": 0.001,
"K0": 1,
"K2": 1,
"QD": 0.001
"2": {
"NAME": "Isolator02",
"DESC": "",
"MSS": 8,
"TAU_K": 1,
"TAU_Q": 1,
"KV": 1,
"LRB": {
"KE": 1200,
"AR": 1e-06,
"TR": 0.001,
"K0": 1,
"K2": 1,
"QD": 0.001
"3": {
"NAME": "Isolator03",
"DESC": "",
"MSS": 8,
"TAU_K": 1,
"KV": 1,
"NRB": {
"AR": 1e-06,
"TR": 0.001,
"KH": 1
"4": {
"NAME": "Isolator04",
"DESC": "",
"MSS": 8,
"TAU_K": 1,
"TAU_Q": 1,
"KV": 1,
"SB": {
"AS": 1e-06,
"K0": 1,
"QD": 2,
"Pi_VALUE": 0,
"MU0": 0.01
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required | |
1 |
Common Data |
Object |
- |
Required |
(1) |
Name |
"NAME" |
String |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Description |
"DESC" |
String |
Blank |
Optional |
(3) |
Input Method • User Input: 0 • Import Reference Database: 1 |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(4) |
Company |
String |
- |
Required |
(5) |
Product Name |
String |
- |
Required |
(6) |
Type Number |
String |
- |
Required |
2 |
Device Type |
String |
- |
Required |
3 |
Multi-Shear Spring |
"Number of Shear Springs" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
4 |
Adjustment Parameters (τk) |
"TAU_K" |
Number |
- |
Required |
5 |
Adjustment Parameters (τq) |
"TAU_Q" |
Number |
- |
Required |
6 |
Vertical Stiffness (Kv) |
"KV" |
Number |
- |
Required |
7 |
LRB Data |
"LRB" |
Object |
- |
Required |
(1) |
Hysteresis Properties |
String |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Rubber Cross Section Area |
"AR" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(3) |
Total Thickness of Rubber Laminas |
"TR" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(4) |
Initial Stiffness |
"KE" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(5) |
2nd Stiffness |
"K2" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(6) |
Characteristic Strength of LRB |
"QD" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(7) |
Vertical Direction Properties |
"DX" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(8) |
Use Consider Vertical Direction Nonlinearity |
Boolean |
- |
Required |
(9) |
Tensile Stiffness Reduction Factor Beta |
"BETA" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(10) |
Tensile Stiffness Reduction Ratio Alpha |
Number |
- |
Required |
(11) |
Tensile Limit Strength |
Number |
- |
Required |
8 |
NRB Data |
"NRB" |
Object |
- |
Required |
(1) |
Rubber Cross Section Area |
"AR" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Total Thickness of Rubber Laminas |
"TR" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(3) |
Horizontal Stiffness |
"KH" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(4) |
Vertical Direction Properties |
"DX" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(5) |
Use Consider Vertical Direction Nonlinearity |
Boolean |
- |
Required |
(6) |
Tensile Stiffness Reduction Factor Beta |
"BETA" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(7) |
Tensile Stiffness Reduction Ratio Alpha |
Number |
- |
Required |
(8) |
Tensile Limit Strength |
Number |
- |
Required |
9 |
SB Data |
"SB" |
Object |
- |
Required |
(1) |
Area of the Sliding Head |
"AS" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Index |
"QD" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
(3) |
Pi |
"Pi_VALUE" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(4) |
Initial Stiffness |
"K0" |
Number |
- |
Required |
(5) |
Frictional Factor |
"MU0" |
Number |
- |
Required |