Input URI
{base url} + db/THGC |
Active Methods
JSON Schema
"THGC": {
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "Timehistoryenergyresult",
"type": "boolean"
"SDVI": {
"description": "Viscousdamper/Oildamperresult",
"type": "boolean"
"SDVE": {
"description": "Viscoelasticdamperresult",
"type": "boolean"
"SDST": {
"description": "Steeldamperresult",
"type": "boolean"
"SDHY": {
"description": "Hystereticisolatorresult",
"type": "boolean"
"SDIS": {
"description": "Isolatorresult",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "MSSModelYieldstatus",
"type": "boolean"
"GNT": {
"description": "Geometrynonlinearitytype",
"type": "integer"
"ILT": {
"description": "Initialloadtype",
"type": "integer"
"IEPI": {
"description": "Consider��IgnoreElementsforNL.AnslysisInitialLoad��",
"type": "boolean"
"NSTEP": {
"description": "Incrementstep[nstep]",
"type": "integer"
"bROT": {
"description": "Resultoutputtype",
"type": "boolean"
"SNIO": {
"description": "Stepnumberincrementforoutput",
"type": "integer"
"bPCF": {
"description": "Permitconvergencefailure",
"type": "boolean"
"MAXNS": {
"description": "Max.numberofsubsteps",
"type": "integer"
"MAXIT": {
"description": "Maximumiteration",
"type": "integer"
"bDN": {
"description": "Displacementnorm",
"type": "boolean"
"bFN": {
"description": "Forcenorm",
"type": "boolean"
"bEN": {
"description": "EnergyNorm",
"type": "boolean"
"DN": {
"description": "Displacementnorm-Value",
"type": "number"
"FN": {
"description": "Forcenorm-Value",
"type": "number"
"EN": {
"description": "EnergyNorm-Value",
"type": "number"
"bULSM": {
"description": "Uselinesearchmethod",
"type": "boolean"
"ULSM": {
"description": "Numberofiterationtostartlinesearch",
"type": "integer"
"aILL": {
"description": "InitLoadList",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"SLC": {
"description": "Staticloadcasename",
"type": "string"
"SF": {
"description": "ScaleFactor",
"type": "number"
"LCT": {
"description": "LoadCaseType",
"type": "integer"
Time History Global Control
"Assign": {
"1": {
"SDVI": false,
"SDVE": false,
"SDST": false,
"SDHY": false,
"SDIS": false,
"bMSSSTATUS": false,
"GNT": 0,
"ILT": 0,
"IEPI": true,
"NSTEP": 1,
"bROT": false,
"SNIO": 1,
"bPCF": true,
"MAXNS": 10,
"MAXIT": 10,
"bDN": true,
"bFN": false,
"bEN": false,
"DN": 0.001,
"FN": 0.001,
"EN": 0.001,
"bULSM": false,
"ULSM": 5,
"aILL": [
"SLC": "Pretension",
"SF": 1,
"LCT": 1
"SLC": "EarthPressure",
"SF": 1.2,
"LCT": 1
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required | |
1 |
Geometric Nonlinearity Type • None: 0 • Large Displacements: 1 |
"GNT" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
2 |
Initial load type • Perform Nonlinear Static Analysis for Initial load: 0 • Import Static Analysis / Construction Stage Analsysis Result: 1 |
"ILT" |
Integer |
0 |
Required |
3 |
Initial Load List • Insert the data as an object |
"aILL" |
Array |
Empty |
Optional |
(1) |
Static Load Case Name |
"SLC" |
String |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Scale Factor |
"SF" |
Real |
- |
Required |
(3) |
Load Case Type • Static Load Case: 1 • Construction Load: 18 |
"LCT" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
4 |
Initial Load List |
"aILL" |
Array |
Empty |
Optional |
5 |
Ignore Elements for NL. Analysis Initial Load Option |
"IEPI" |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |
6 |
Increment Step [nstep] |
Integer |
1 |
Optional |
7 |
Result Output Type • Final Step Only: false • Step Number Increment for Output: true |
"bROT" |
Boolean |
False |
Optional |
8 |
Step Number Increment for Output |
"SNIO" |
Integer |
1 |
Optional |
9 |
Permit Cconvergence Failure |
"bPCF" |
Boolean |
True |
Required |
10 |
Max. Number of Sub-steps |
Integer |
10 |
Required |
11 |
Maximum Iteration |
Integer |
10 |
Required |
12 |
Displacement Norm |
"bDN" |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |
13 |
Force Norm |
"bFN" |
Boolean |
False |
Optional |
14 |
Energy Norm |
"bEN" |
Boolean |
False |
Optional |
15 |
Displacement Norm - Value |
"DN" |
Real |
0.001 |
Optional |
16 |
Force Norm - Value |
"FN" |
Real |
0 |
Optional |
17 |
Energy Norm - Value |
"EN" |
Real |
0 |
Optional |
18 |
Use Line Search Method |
"bULSM" |
Boolean |
False |
Optional |
19 |
Number of Iterations to Start Line Search |
"ULSM" |
Integer |
5 |
Optional |
20 |
Time History Energy Result |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |
21 |
Viscous Damper / Oil Damper Result |
"SDVI" |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |
22 |
Viscoelastic Damper Result |
"SDVE" |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |
23 |
Steel Damper Result |
"SDST" |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |
24 |
Hysteretic Isolator Result |
"SDHY" |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |
25 |
Isolator Result |
"SDIS" |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |
26 |
Model Yield Status |
Boolean |
True |
Optional |