Input URI
{base url} + db/MVCTid |
Active Methods
JSON Schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"iIGP": {
"description": "Influencegeneratingpoints",
"type": "integer"
"UNUMT": {
"description": "Number/Lineelement",
"type": "integer"
"DIST": {
"description": "Distancebetweenpoints",
"type": "number"
"PLATE": {
"description": "Analysisresult-Plate",
"type": "string"
"description": "Stress-CheckBox",
"type": "boolean"
"FRAME": {
"description": "Analysisresult-Frame",
"type": "string"
"description": "Combinedstress-CheckBox",
"type": "boolean"
"bREAC": {
"description": "Reactions",
"type": "boolean"
"bRGP": {
"description": "AllorGroup",
"type": "boolean"
"RGP": {
"description": "Groupname",
"type": "string"
"bDISP": {
"description": "Displacements",
"type": "boolean"
"bDGP": {
"description": "AllorGroup",
"type": "boolean"
"DGP": {
"description": "Groupname",
"type": "string"
"bFM": {
"description": "Forces/Moments",
"type": "boolean"
"bFGP": {
"description": "AllorGroup",
"type": "boolean"
"FGP": {
"description": "Groupname",
"type": "string"
"bL": {
"description": "Elastic/Generallinks",
"type": "boolean"
"bLG": {
"description": "AllorGroup",
"type": "boolean"
"LGP": {
"description": "Groupname",
"type": "string"
"description": "Bridgetypeforimpact/CDAcalculation",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Tracks",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Sleeperwidthtype",
"type": "integer"
"WIDTH": {
"description": "Sleeperwidthvalue",
"type": "number"
"DEPTH": {
"description": "Depthoffill(d)",
"type": "number"
"VHMAX": {
"description": "Maximumsuccessivevehicles",
"type": "integer"
Moving Load Analysis Control
"Assign": {
"1": {
"iIGP": 0,
"UNUMT": 3,
"bSTRCALC": true,
"bCSTRCALC": true,
"bREAC": true,
"bRGP": false,
"RGP": "",
"bDISP": true,
"bDGP": false,
"DGP": "",
"bFM": true,
"bFGP": false,
"FGP": "",
"bL": true,
"bLG": false,
"LGP": "",
"BRIDGE": 0,
"TRACKS": 0,
"WIDTH": 0,
"DEPTH": 10,
"VHMAX": 10
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required |
1 |
Influence Generating Points • Number/Line Element: 0 • Distance between Points: 1 |
"iIGP" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
2 |
Number/Line Element |
Integer |
- |
Required |
3 |
Distance between Points |
"DIST" |
Number |
- |
Required |
Analysis Results - Plate |
4 |
Options • Center: "CENTER" • Center + Nodal: "NODAL" |
String |
- |
Required |
5 |
Stress • Active/Inactive |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
Analysis Results - Frame |
6 |
Options • Normal: "NORMAL" • Normal + Concurrent Force/Stress: "AXIAL" |
String |
- |
Required |
7 |
Combined Stress • Active/Inactive |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
Calculation Filters - Reactions |
8 |
Reactions • Active/Inactive |
"bREAC" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
9 |
Option • All: false • Structure Group: true |
"bRG" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
10 |
Structure Group Name • When the "bRG" is true |
"RGN" |
String |
- |
Required |
Calculation Filters - Displacements |
11 |
Displacements • Active/Inactive |
"bDISP" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
12 |
Option • All: false • Structure Group: true |
"bDG" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
13 |
Structure Group Name • When the "bDG" is true |
"DGN" |
String |
- |
Required |
Calculation Filters - Forces/Moments |
14 |
Forces/Moments • Active/Inactive |
"bFM" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
15 |
Option • All: false • Structure Group: true |
"bFGP" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
16 |
Structure Group Name • When the "bFG" is true |
"FGP" |
String |
- |
Required |
Calculation Filters - Elastic/General Links |
17 |
Elastic/General Links • Active/Inactive |
"bL" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
18 |
Option • All: false • Boundary Group: true |
"bLG" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
19 |
Boundary Group Name • When the "bLG" is true |
"LGP" |
String |
- |
Required |
Impact/CDA Calculation |
20 |
Bridge Type • Steel: 0 • RC: 1 |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
Railway Bridge Information |
21 |
Track • Single: 0 • Double: 1 • Multiple: 2 |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
22 |
Sleeper Width Type • Type 1: 0 • Type 2: 1 • User: 2 |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
23 |
Sleeper Width for User |
Number |
0 |
Optional |
24 |
Depth of Fill |
Number |
0 |
Optional |
25 |
Maximum Successive Vehicles |
Integer |
- |
Required |