Input URI
{base url} + db/STCT |
Active Methods
JSON Schema
"STCT": {
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "Final Stage",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "Other stage name",
"type": "string"
"CPFC": {
"description": "Initial / External force",
"type": "string"
"bEXT_REPL": {
"description": "External force type",
"type": "boolean"
"bCALC_CFF": {
"description": "Calculate concurrent forces of frame",
"type": "boolean"
"bCALC_CSP": {
"description": "Calculate output of each part of composite section",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "Apply Initial member force to C.S",
"type": "boolean"
"bCONV": {
"description": "Convert final stage member forces to initial forces for Post C.S",
"type": "boolean"
"bTRUSS": {
"description": "Truss - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"bBEAM": {
"description": "Beam - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"bITD": {
"description": "Initial tangent displacement for erected structures - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"ITD": {
"description": "Initial tangent displacement type",
"type": "string"
"GROUP": {
"description": "Structure group name",
"type": "string"
"bSAVE_OCS": {
"description": "",
"type": "boolean"
"bLFFC": {
"description": "Lack-of-Fit force control - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"LFFGR": {
"description": "Structure group name",
"type": "string"
"bCAMBER": {
"description": "Apply camber displacement to C.S. (if defined)",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "Self-constrained forces & stresses",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "Change cable element to equivalent truss element for Post C.S.",
"type": "boolean"
"iINC_NLA": {
"description": "Analysis type",
"type": "integer"
"iNLA_TYPE": {
"description": "Independent / Accumulative stage",
"type": "integer"
"bIEMF": {
"description": "Include equilibrium element nodal forces - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"iLSTEP": {
"description": "Number of load stpes",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Maximum number of iterations",
"type": "integer"
"CF": {
"description": "Convergence failure - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "Maximum Bi-Section level for an load step",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Maximum allowable diverged steps",
"type": "integer"
"bENEG": {
"description": "Energy norm - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"EV": {
"description": "Energy norm - Value",
"type": "number"
"bDISP": {
"description": "Displacement norm - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"DV": {
"description": "Displacement norm - Value",
"type": "number"
"bFORC": {
"description": "Force norm - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"FV": {
"description": "Force norm - Value",
"type": "number"
"bINC_PDL": {
"description": "Include P-delta effect - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"iITER": {
"description": "Number of iterations",
"type": "integer"
"TOL": {
"description": "Convergence tolerance",
"type": "number"
"bINC_TDE": {
"description": "Include time dependent effect",
"type": "boolean"
"bCNS": {
"description": "Creep & Shrinkage check box",
"type": "boolean"
"TYPE": {
"description": "CR & SH - Type",
"type": "string"
"iITER_CR": {
"description": "Number of Creep Iteration",
"type": "integer"
"TOL_CR": {
"description": "Tolerance",
"type": "number"
"bTTLE_CS": {
"description": "Tendon tension loss effect",
"type": "boolean"
"bRCE": {
"description": "Consider Re-bar confinement effect",
"type": "boolean"
"bVAR": {
"description": "Variation of comp. Strength",
"type": "boolean"
"bTTLE_ES": {
"description": "Tendon tension loss effect (Elastic shortening)",
"type": "boolean"
"iTTLE_ES": {
"description": "Tendon tension loss effect - Type",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Apply time dependent effect elastic modulus to Post C.S",
"type": "boolean"
"bOUCC": {
"description": "Only User��s creep coefficient",
"type": "boolean"
"bITS": {
"description": "Internal time step for creep check box",
"type": "boolean"
"iITS": {
"description": "Internal time step for creep - Value",
"type": "integer"
"bATS": {
"description": "Auto time step generation for large time gap",
"type": "boolean"
"iT10": {
"description": "Time Gap : T >10",
"type": "integer"
"iT100": {
"description": "Time Gap : T >100",
"type": "integer"
"iT1K": {
"description": "Time Gap : T >1000",
"type": "integer"
"iT5K": {
"description": "Time Gap : T >5000",
"type": "integer"
"iT10K": {
"description": "Time Gap : T >10000",
"type": "integer"
"bSD": {
"description": "Consider stress decrease at Transfer Length Zone by Post-tension - Check Box",
"type": "boolean"
"iSDOPT": {
"description": "Stress decrease method - Linear / Constant",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Constant - ratio value",
"type": "number"
"iBSC": {
"description": "Constant / Change with tendon",
"type": "integer"
"vEREC": {
"description": "",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": "Erection load case name",
"type": "string"
"EREC": {
"description": "Load type for C.S",
"type": "string"
"vLCNAME": {
"description": "Load Case Name List",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"bSDLE": {
"description": "Secondary Dead Load Effect for Grid Model",
"type": "boolean"
"vSDLE": {
"description": "Load Case",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Linear Analysis and Indenpendent Stage
"Assign": {
"1": {
"bLAST_FINAL": false,
"iINC_NLA": 0,
"iNLA_TYPE": 0,
"bINC_PDL": true,
"iITER": 30,
"TOL": 0.01,
"vEREC": [
"LTYPECC": "Erection Load 1",
"EREC": "D",
"vLCNAME": [
"LTYPECC": "Erection Load 2",
"EREC": "DC",
"vLCNAME": [
"bCONV": true,
"bTRUSS": true,
"bBEAM": true,
"bCHANGE_CABLE": true,
"bAPPLY_IMF": true,
"bCAMBER": true,
"bSD": true,
"iSDOPT": 1,
"iBSC": 0
Linear Analysis and Accumulative Stage
"Assign": {
"1": {
"bLAST_FINAL": false,
"iINC_NLA": 0,
"iNLA_TYPE": 1,
"bINC_PDL": true,
"iITER": 30,
"TOL": 0.01,
"bINC_TDE": true,
"bCNS": true,
"iITER_CR": 5,
"TOL_CR": 0.01,
"bOUCC": false,
"bITS": false,
"iITS": 2,
"bATS": true,
"iT10": 2,
"iT100": 5,
"iT1K": 7,
"iT5K": 10,
"iT10K": 20,
"bTTLE_CS": true,
"bRCE": false,
"bVAR": true,
"bAPPLY_ELA": false,
"bTTLE_ES": true,
"iTTLE_ES": 0,
"vEREC": [
"LTYPECC": "Erection Load 1",
"EREC": "D",
"vLCNAME": [
"LTYPECC": "Erection Load 2",
"EREC": "DC",
"vLCNAME": [
"bEXT_REPL": true,
"bCONV": true,
"bTRUSS": true,
"bBEAM": true,
"bCHANGE_CABLE": true,
"bAPPLY_IMF": true,
"bITD": true,
"GROUP": "Strt Group 1",
"bLFFC": true,
"LFFGR": "Strt Group 1",
"bCAMBER": true,
"bSD": true,
"iSDOPT": 1,
"iBSC": 0,
"bCALC_CFF": true,
"bCALC_CSP": true,
"bSELFCONS": true,
"bSAVE_OCS": true
Nonlinear Analysis and Indenpendent Stage
"Assign": {
"1": {
"bLAST_FINAL": false,
"iINC_NLA": 1,
"iNLA_TYPE": 0,
"iLSTEP": 1,
"iMAXITER": 30,
"CF": false,
"BSSTEP": 5,
"ADSTEP": 3,
"bENEG": false,
"EV": 0.01,
"bDISP": true,
"DV": 0.01,
"bFORC": false,
"FV": 0.01,
"bIEMF": false,
"bCONV": true,
"bTRUSS": true,
"bBEAM": true,
"bCHANGE_CABLE": true,
"bCAMBER": true,
"iBSC": 1
Nonlinear Analysis and Accumulative Stage
"Assign": {
"1": {
"bLAST_FINAL": false,
"iINC_NLA": 1,
"iNLA_TYPE": 1,
"iLSTEP": 1,
"iMAXITER": 30,
"CF": false,
"BSSTEP": 5,
"ADSTEP": 3,
"bENEG": false,
"EV": 0.01,
"bDISP": true,
"DV": 0.01,
"bFORC": false,
"FV": 0.01,
"bINC_TDE": true,
"bCNS": true,
"iITER_CR": 5,
"TOL_CR": 0.01,
"bTTLE_CS": true,
"bRCE": false,
"bVAR": true,
"bTTLE_ES": true,
"iTTLE_ES": 0,
"bAPPLY_ELA": false,
"bOUCC": false,
"bITS": false,
"iITS": 2,
"bATS": true,
"iT10": 2,
"iT100": 5,
"iT1K": 7,
"iT5K": 10,
"iT10K": 20,
"bEXT_REPL": true,
"bCONV": true,
"bTRUSS": true,
"bBEAM": true,
"bCHANGE_CABLE": true,
"bITD": true,
"GROUP": "Strt Group 1",
"bLFFC": true,
"LFFGR": "Strt Group 1",
"bCAMBER": true,
"iBSC": 1,
"bCALC_CFF": true,
"bCALC_CSP": true,
"bSELFCONS": true,
"bSAVE_OCS": false
Material Nonlinear Analysis and Accumulative Stage
"Assign": {
"1": {
"bLAST_FINAL": false,
"iINC_NLA": 2,
"iNLA_TYPE": 1,
"iLSTEP": 1,
"iMAXITER": 30,
"CF": false,
"BSSTEP": 5,
"ADSTEP": 3,
"bENEG": false,
"EV": 0.01,
"bDISP": true,
"DV": 0.01,
"bFORC": false,
"FV": 0.01
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required | |
1 |
Final Stage Option • Last Stage: true • Other Stage: false |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
2 |
Construction Stage Name • When "bLAST_FINAL" is false |
String |
- |
Required |
3 |
Analysis type • Linear Analysis: 0 • Nonlinear Analysis ¹⁾: 1 • Material Nonlinear Analysis ¹⁾: 2 |
"iINC_NLA" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
4 |
Stage Option • Independent Stage: 0 • Accumulative Stage: 1 |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
Linear Analysis and Independent Stage |
5 |
Include P-Delta Effect ²⁾ |
"bINC_PDL" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Load Cases to be Distinguished from Dead Load for C.S. Output |
6 |
Erection Load for Construction Stage |
"vEREC" |
Array |
Empty |
Optional |
(1) |
Erection Load Case Name |
String |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Load Type for C.S ⁴⁾ |
"EREC" |
String |
- |
Required |
(3) |
Load Case Name List |
Array |
- |
Required |
- |
Cable-Pretension Force Control |
7 |
Cable-Pretensions Force Type • Internal Force: "INTERNAL" • External Force: "EXTERNAL" |
"CPFC" |
String |
Optional |
- |
Initial Force Control |
8 |
Convert Final Stage Member Forces to Initial Forces for Post C.S |
"bCONV" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
9 |
Truss • When the "bCONV" is true |
"bTRUSS" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
10 |
Beam • When the "bCONV" is true |
"bBEAM" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
11 |
Change Cable Element to Equivalent Truss Element for Post C.S. |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
12 |
Apply Initial Member Force to C.S |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Initial Displacement for C.S. |
13 |
Apply Camber Displacement to C.S. (if defined) |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Stress Decrease at Transfer Length Zone by Post-Tension |
14 |
Stress Decrease at Transfer Length Zone by Post-Tension |
"bSD" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
15 |
Stress Decrease Method • Linear Interpolation: 0 • Constant Stress: 1 |
"iSDOPT" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
16 |
Ratio Value for Constant Type • When the "iSDOPT" is 1 |
Number |
0 |
Optional |
- |
Beam Section Property Changes |
17 |
Beam Section Property Option • Constant: 0 • Change with Tendon: 1 |
"iBSC" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
Linear Analysis and Accumulative Stage |
5 |
Include P-Delta Effect ²⁾ |
"bINC_PDL" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
6 |
Include Time Dependent Effect ³⁾ |
"bINC_TDE" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Load Cases to be Distinguished from Dead Load for C.S. Output |
7 |
Erection Load for Construction Stage |
"vEREC" |
Array |
Empty |
Optional |
(1) |
Erection Load Case Name |
String |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Load Type for C.S. ⁴⁾ |
"EREC" |
String |
- |
Required |
(3) |
Load Case Name List |
Array |
- |
Required |
- |
Secondary Dead Load Effect for Grid Model ᴶ⁾ |
8 |
Secondary Dead Load Effect for Grid Model |
"bSDLE" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
9 |
Load Case Name List |
"vSDLE" |
Array |
- |
Required |
- |
Cable-Pretension Force Control |
10 |
Cable-Pretensions Force Type • Internal Force: "INTERNAL" • External Force: "EXTERNAL" |
"CPFC" |
String |
Optional |
11 |
External Force Type • Add: false • Replace: true |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Initial Force Control |
12 |
Convert Final Stage Member Forces to Initial Forces for Post C.S. |
"bCONV" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
13 |
Truss • When the "bCONV" is true |
"bTRUSS" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
14 |
Beam • When the "bCONV" is true |
"bBEAM" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
15 |
Change Cable Element to Equivalent Truss Element for Post C.S. |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
16 |
Apply Initial Member Force to C.S. |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Initial Displacement for C.S. |
17 |
Initial Tangent Displacement for Erected Structures |
"bITD" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
18 |
Initial Tangent Displacement Type • All: "ALL" • Structure Group: "GROUP" |
"ITD" |
String |
"ALL" |
Optional |
19 |
Structure Group Name for Initial Tangent Displacement • When the "ITD" is "GROUP" |
String |
- |
Required |
20 |
Lack-of-Fit Force Control |
"bLFFC" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
21 |
Structure Group Name • When the "bLFFC" is True |
String |
- |
Required |
22 |
Apply Camber Displacement to C.S. (if defined) |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Stress Decrease at Transfer Length Zone by Post-Tension |
23 |
Consider Stress Decrease at Transfer Length Zone by Post-Tension |
"bSD" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
24 |
Stress Decrease Method • Linear Interpolation: 0 • Constant Stress: 1 |
"iSDOPT" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
25 |
Ratio Value for Constant Type • When the "iSDOPT" is 1 |
Number |
0 |
Optional |
- |
Beam Section Property Changes |
26 |
Beam Section Property Option • Constant: 0 • Change with Tendon: 1 |
"iBSC" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
- |
Frame Output |
27 |
Calculate Concurrent Forces of Frame |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
28 |
Calculate Output of Each Part of Composite Section |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
29 |
Self-Constrained Forces & Stresses |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
30 |
Save Output of Current Stage (Beam/Truss) |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
Nonlinear Analysis and Independent Stage |
5 |
Include Equilibrium Element Nodal Forces |
"bIEMF" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Cable-Pretension Force Control |
6 |
Cable-Pretensions Force Type • Internal Force: "INTERNAL" • External Force: "EXTERNAL" |
"CPFC" |
String |
Optional |
- |
Initial Force Control |
7 |
Convert Final Stage Member Forces to Initial Forces for Post C.S. |
"bCONV" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
8 |
Truss • When the "bCONV" is true |
"bTRUSS" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
9 |
Beam • When the "bCONV" is true |
"bBEAM" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
10 |
Change Cable Element to Equivalent Truss Element for Post C.S. |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Initial Displacement for C.S. |
11 |
Apply Camber Displacement to C.S. (if defined) |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Beam Section Property Changes |
12 |
Beam Section Property Option • Constant: 0 • Change with Tendon: 1 |
"iBSC" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
Nonlinear Analysis and Accumulative Stage |
5 |
Include Time Dependent Effect ³⁾ |
"bINC_TDE" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Cable-Pretension Force Control |
6 |
Cable-Pretensions Force Type • Internal Force: "INTERNAL" • External Force: "EXTERNAL" |
"CPFC" |
String |
Optional |
7 |
External Force Type • Add: false • Replace: true |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Initial Force Control |
8 |
Convert Final Stage Member Forces to Initial Forces for Post C.S. |
"bCONV" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
9 |
Truss • When the "bCONV" is true |
"bTRUSS" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
10 |
Beam • When the "bCONV" is true |
"bBEAM" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
11 |
Change Cable Element to Equivalent Truss Element for Post C.S. |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Initial Displacement for C.S. |
12 |
Initial Tangent Displacement for Erected Structures |
"bITD" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
13 |
Initial Tangent Displacement Type • All: "ALL" • Structure Group: "GROUP" |
"ITD" |
String |
"ALL" |
Optional |
14 |
Structure Group Name for Initial Tangent Displacement • When the "ITD" is "GROUP" |
String |
- |
Required |
15 |
Lack-of-Fit Force Control |
"bLFFC" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
16 |
Structure Group Name • When the "bLFFC" is True |
String |
- |
Required |
17 |
Apply Camber Displacement to C.S. (if defined) |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
- |
Beam Section Property Changes |
18 |
Beam Section Property Option • Constant: 0 • Change with Tendon: 1 |
"iBSC" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
- |
Frame Output |
19 |
Calculate Concurrent Forces of Frame |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
20 |
Calculate Output of Each Part of Composite Section |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
21 |
Self-Constrained Forces & Stresses |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
22 |
Save Output of Current Stage (Beam/Truss) |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
¹⁾ JSON Structure for Nonlinear Analysis Control
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required |
1 |
Number of Load Steps |
"iLSTEP" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
2 |
Maximum Number of Iteration/Load Step |
Integer |
- |
Required |
3 |
Considering Energy Norm |
"bENEG" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
4 |
Energy Norm |
"EV" |
Number |
- |
Required |
5 |
Considering Displacement Norm |
"bDISP" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
6 |
Displacement Norm |
"DV" |
Number |
- |
Required |
7 |
Considering Force Norm |
"bFORC" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
9 |
Force Norm |
"FV" |
Number |
- |
Required |
10 |
Convergence Failure |
"CF" |
Boolean |
- |
- |
11 |
Maximum Bi-Section Level for an Load Step |
Integer |
- |
- |
12 |
Maximum Allowable Diverged Steps |
Integer |
- |
- |
²⁾ JSON Structure for P-Delta Analysis Control
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required |
1 |
Number of Iterations |
"iITER" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
2 |
Convergence Tolerance |
"TOL" |
Number |
- |
Required |
³⁾ JSON Structure for Time Dependent Effect Control
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required |
1 |
Creep & Shrinkage |
"bCNS" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
2 |
Type • Creep: "CREEP" • Shrinkage: "SHRINK" • Creep & Shrinkage: "BOTH" |
"TYPE" |
String |
- |
Required |
3 |
Number of Iterations |
"iITER_CR" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
4 |
Tolerance |
"TOL_CR" |
Number |
0 |
Optional |
5 |
Only User’s Creep Coefficient |
"bOUCC" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
6 |
Internal Time Step for Creep |
"bITS" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
7 |
Time Step |
"iITS" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
9 |
Auto Time Step Generation for Large Time Gap |
"bATS" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
10 |
T > 10 |
"iT10" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
11 |
T > 100 |
"iT100" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
12 |
T > 1000 |
"iT1K" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
13 |
T > 5000 |
"iT5K" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
14 |
T > 10000 |
"iT10K" |
Integer |
- |
Required |
15 |
Tendon Tension Loss Effect (Creep & Shrinkage) |
"bTTLE_CS" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
16 |
Consider Re-Bar Confinement Effect |
"bRCE" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
17 |
Variation of Comp. Strength |
"bVAR" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
18 |
Apply Time Dependent Effect Elastic Modulus to Post C.S. |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
19 |
Tendon Tension Load Effect (Elastic Shortening) |
"bTTLE_ES" |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
20 |
Loss Option • Change with Variation of Tendon Force: 0 • Constant: 1 |
"iTTLE_ES" |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
⁴⁾ Erection Load Type for C.S.
No. |
Descriptions |
Value |
1 |
Dead Load |
"D" |
2 |
Dead Load of Component and Attachments |
"DC" |
3 |
Dead Load of Wearing Surfaces and Utilities |
"DW" |
4 |
Earth Pressure |
"EP" |
5 |
Live Load |
"L" |
6 |
Wind Load on Structure |
"W" |
7 |
Temperature |
"T" |
8 |
Temperature Gradient |
"TPG" |
9 |
Earthquake |
"E" |
10 |
Erection Load |
"ER" |
ᴶ⁾ MIDAS CIVIL NX JP Version only