Input URI
{base url} + view/RESULTGRAPHIC |
Active Methods
JSON Schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Argument": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": "string",
"description": "ResultGraphicMode",
"enum": [
"type": "object",
"description": "LoadCaseandCombinations",
"properties": {
"TYPE": {
"type": "string",
"description": "LoadCase",
"enum": [
"type": "string",
"description": "LoadType",
"enum": [
"NAME": {
"type": "string",
"description": "LoadName"
"type": "integer",
"description": "StepofLoadCase"
"type": "boolean",
"description": "DisplayAbsoluteMaximumValuesofEnvelope"
"type": "object",
"description": "PlateForceOptions",
"properties": {
"type": "object",
"description": "CoordinationSystemOptions",
"properties": {
"TYPE": {
"type": "string",
"description": "CoordinateSystem",
"enum": [
"type": "string",
"description": "UserCoordinateSystemName",
"enum": [
"type": "boolean",
"description": "PrintUCSAxis"
"type": "object",
"description": "ResultTypeOptions",
"properties": {
"TYPE": {
"type": "string",
"description": "AverageCalculationMethod",
"enum": [
"type": "boolean",
"description": "AverageNodalActiveOnly"
"type": "object",
"description": "Components",
"properties": {
"COMP": {
"type": "string",
"description": "ComponentsName",
"enum": [
"type": "object",
"description": "WoodArmerMomentOptions",
"properties": {
"TYPE": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Position",
"enum": [
"type": "string",
"description": "Direction",
"enum": [
"type": "boolean",
"description": "ApplyUpon"
"type": "object",
"description": "VectorOptions",
"properties": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "DisplayPositiveValueofthePrincipalForcesinVectors"
"type": "boolean",
"description": "DisplayNegativeValueofthePrincipalForcesinVectors"
"type": "number",
"description": "VectorDiagramScaleFactorLength"
"type": "integer",
"description": "VectorDiagramScaleFactorThickness"
"type": "object",
"description": "TypeofDisplay",
"properties": {
"type": "object",
"description": "ContourDetails"
"type": "object",
"description": "DeformationDetails"
"type": "object",
"description": "ValuesOutputDetails"
"type": "object",
"description": "LegendDetails"
"type": "boolean",
"description": "DisplayUndeformedShape"
"type": "object",
"description": "SymmetricModelMirrorDetail"
"type": "boolean",
"description": "CurrentStepForce"
"type": "object",
"description": "CuttingDiagram"
Plate Options (Local)
"Argument": {
"CURRENT_MODE": "PlateForces/Moments",
"TYPE": "ST",
"MINMAX": "Max",
"TYPE": "Local"
"TYPE": "Element"
"COMP": "MMax"
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
Plate Options (Local - Wood Armer Moment )
"Argument": {
"CURRENT_MODE": "PlateForces/Moments",
"TYPE": "ST",
"MINMAX": "Max",
"TYPE": "Local"
"TYPE": "Element"
"COMP": "WoodArmerMoment",
"POSITION": "Top",
"DIRECTION": "Dir.1"
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
Plate Options (Local - Vector)
"Argument": {
"CURRENT_MODE": "PlateForces/Moments",
"TYPE": "ST",
"MINMAX": "Max",
"TYPE": "Local"
"TYPE": "Element",
"COMP": "Mvector",
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
Plate Options (UCS)
"Argument": {
"CURRENT_MODE": "PlateForces/Moments",
"TYPE": "ST",
"MINMAX": "Max",
"TYPE": "UCS",
"UCS_NAME": "CurrentUCS",
"TYPE": "Avg.Nodal",
"COMP": "MMax"
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
"OPT_CHECK": true
No. | Description | Key | Value Type | Default | Required | |
1 |
Result Graphic Mode • "Plate Forces/Moments" |
String |
- |
Required |
2 |
Load Case and Combinations |
Object |
- |
Required |
(1) |
Load Case • Static Load: "ST" • Construction Stage: "CS" • Response Spectrum: "RS" • Time History: "TH" • Moving Load: "MV" • Settlement: "SM" • Load Combinations: "CB" |
"TYPE" |
String |
- |
Required |
(2) |
Load Type • Envelop Max: "Max" • Envelop Min: "Min" • Envelop Abs Max: "All" |
String |
"Max" |
Optional |
(3) |
Load Name |
"NAME" |
String |
- |
Required |
(4) |
Step of Load Case |
Integer |
- |
Required |
3 |
Plate Force Options |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(1) |
Coordinate System Options |
Object |
- |
Optional |
i. Coordinate System • User Coord System: "UCS" • Local Coord System: "Local" |
"TYPE" |
String |
"UCS" |
Optional |
ii. User Coordinate System Name • When "TYPE" is UCS ◦ "Current UCS" |
String |
"Current UCS" |
Optional |
iii. Print UCS Axis • When "TYPE" is UCS ◦ Show the UCS axis: true ◦ Hide the UCS axis: false |
Boolean |
true |
Optional |
(2) |
Result Type Options |
Object |
- |
Optional |
i. Average Calculation Method • Element Forces: "Element" • Average Nodal Forces: "Avg.Nodal" |
"TYPE" |
String |
"Element" |
Optional |
ii. Average Nodal Active Only • When "TYPE" is Avg.Nodal |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
4 |
Components |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(1) |
Components Name • Local/UCS ◦ "Fxx", "Fyy", "Fxy" ◦ "Fmax", "Fmin", "FMax" ◦ "Mxx, "Myy", "Mxy" ◦ "Mmax", "Mmin, "MMax" ◦ "Vxx", "Vyy", "VMax" |
"COMP" |
String |
"Fxx" |
Optional |
(2) |
Wood Armer Moment Options |
Object |
- |
Optional |
i. Position • "TOP", "Bottom", "Both" |
"TYPE" |
String |
"TOP" |
Optional |
ii. Direction • "Dir1", "Dir2" |
String |
"Dir1" |
Optional |
iii. Apply Upon • Active: true • Inactive: false |
String |
true |
Optional |
(3) |
Vector Options |
Object |
- |
Optional |
i. Display Positive Value of the Principal Forces in Vectors |
Boolean |
true |
Optional |
ii. Display Negative Value of the Principal Forces in Vectors |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
iii. Vector Diagram Scale Factor Length |
Number |
1 |
Optional |
iv. Vector Diagram Scale Factor Thickness |
Integer |
1 |
Optional |
5 |
Type of Display ¹⁾ |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(1) |
Contour Details |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(2) |
Deformation Details |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(3) |
Values Output Details |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(4) |
Legend Details |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(5) |
Display Undeformed Shape |
Boolean |
false |
Optional |
(6) |
Symmetric Model Mirror Detail |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(7) |
Display Option Details |
Object |
- |
Optional |
(8) |
Cutting Diagram |
Object |
- |
Optional |