- Automatic Generation of Various Types of Steel Composite Girder Bridge Models Using Wizard: I-shaped Composite Girder / Box-shaped Composite Girder / Open-web Composite Girder
- Possible modeling with various element types: All Frame / All Plate / Plate(Deck) + Frame(Girder) / Plate(Deck&Web) + Frame(Flange)
- Convenience of modeling super/substructure expanded: Automatic creation of transverse deck element(dummy element) for securing lateral stiffness / Option to model or not model substructure.
- Enhancement of convenience in defining loads and construction stages: Automatic classification of DC1, DC2, DW loads as Erection Load / Automatic creation of construction stages for composite cross-sections and top slab segmental construction stages.
From the main menu, select [Structure] tab > [Steel Bridge] group > [Steel Composite Bridge]