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Create Line Elements on Curve


  • Define a curve on a particular plane and create line elements on the curve.



From the main menu, select [Node/Element] tab > [Element Detail] group > [Advanced Create] > [Line Elements on Curve]



NodeElement-Elements-Create Line Elements on Curve.png

Create Line Elements on Curve


Click ....png to the right of Create Line Elements on Curve

Display the Element Table.


Start Number

Node Number

Assign a number to the new starting node created together with new elements in the Model Window. This number is auto-set to the largest node number in use +1. To modify this item, click ....png and select an option to specify a desired number.


Element Number

Assign a new starting element number. This number is auto-set to the largest element number in use +1. To modify this item, click ....png and select an option to specify a desired number.


Curve Type

Select the shape of a curve onto which line elements will be created and the method of defining the curve.

Arc by 3 points

Define an arc by assigning 3 particular points


Arc by Center and 2 points

Define an arc by assigning 2 particular points and the center of the arc


Circle by 3 points

Define a circle by assigning 3 particular points


Circle by Center and 2 points

Define a circle by assigning 2 particular points and the center of the circle


Ellipse by Center and 2 points

Define an ellipse by assigning 2 particular points and the center of the ellipse


Parabolic Curve by 3 points

Define a parabolic curve by assigning 3 particular points


Cubic Curve by 4 points

Define a cubic curve by assigning 4 particular points


Element Type

Assign the type of line elements to be created along the curve


Material / Section / Orientation


Select a material property number, or select a material property name provided that the material property data have been already defined.

No. : Type in a number on the keyboard or use the mouse to enter the number

Name : Select a material property name

Click ....png to add, inquire, modify or delete material property data. Material properties can be entered either before or after creating elements.



Select a section number, or select a section name provided that the section data have been already defined.

No. : Type in a number on the keyboard or use the mouse to enter the number

Name : Select a section name

Click ....png to add, inquire, modify or delete the section data. Section data can be entered either before or after creating elements.



Beta Angle : Enter a Beta Angle to assign the sectional orientation of the line elements.


Curve Definition

Define a curve on which new line elements will be created.

Number of Segments : Number of segments in the curve to define new elements


The data entry items for each method of defining the curves are as follows :

Arc by 3 points

Arc End Point : Assign the method of defining the end of the arc

P3 : Create elements up to the 3rd point on the arc

Angle : Enter the angle of the arc within which new elements will be created

P1 : Enter the coordinates of the starting point of the arc

P2, P3 : Enter the coordinates of two points on the arc

The arc is created in the direction determined by the sequential direction of P1, P2 & P3.


Arc by Center and 2 points

Arc End Point : Assign the method of defining the end of the arc

P2 : Create line elements up to the fictitious line connecting P2 and the center of the arc center

Angle : Enter the angle of the arc within which new elements will be created

C : Enter the coordinates of the center of the arc

P1 : Enter the coordinates of a particular point on the arc

P2 : Create line elements up to the fictitious line connecting P2 and the arc center.

The arc is created in the direction along the curve from P1 to P2 following the shorter distance. To create the arc in the longer arc direction, Angle is used to control the direction.

NOTE.png The arc cannot be created if P1, C and P2 are on a straight line. In such a case, use Angle to create the arc.

Circle by 3 points

P1 : Enter the coordinates of the starting point of a circle

P2, P3 : Enter the coordinates of two points on the circle

The circle is created in the direction determined by the sequential direction of P1, P2 & P3.


Circle by Center and 2 points

C : Enter the coordinates of the center of a circle

P1 : Enter the coordinates of the starting point of the circle

P2 : Assign a point on the plane of the circle


Ellipse by Center and 2 points

Semi-Ellipse : To form a semi-ellipse

C : Enter the coordinates of the center of an ellipse

P1 : Enter the coordinates of the starting point on the axis of the longer dimension

P2 : Enter the coordinates of a point on the ellipse

Parabolic Curve by 3 points

Divide by Equal distance on

Curve : Divide the curve into equal segments

Projecting line : Divide the curve into equal segments along the length projected on UCS (GCS) x-axis

P1 : Enter the coordinates of the starting point of a parabola

P2, P3 : Enter the coordinates of two points on the parabola

Cubic Curve by 4 points

P1 : Enter the coordinates of the starting point of a cubic curve

P2, P3, P4 : Enter the coordinates of 3 points on the cubic curve

NOTE.png The Local Directions of the line elements are defined by the sequential direction of P1, P2 & P3.



Node : when existing nodes are on the line elements being created, the elements are divided at the existing nodes.


Element : when newly created line elements intersect with existing line elements, nodes are automatically created and the line elements are divided at the intersection points.

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