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Boundary Created Edited

Define Supports


  • Restrain the degrees of freedom of selected nodes. Replace or remove the support conditions previously defined. 



From the main menu, select [Boundary] tab > [Supports] group > [Define Supports]



Boundary-Supports-define supports.png

Supports dialog box


Right ....png button of Supports

Display the Support Table


Boundary Group Name

Select the Boundary Group that includes the entered boundary conditions. Choose "Default" if group specification is not required. To create or modify a Boundary Group, click the ... button to open the "Define Boundary Group" dialog box.



Add : Add new restraints to selected nodes


Replace : Replace previously defined restraints on selected nodes


Delete : Delete previously defined restraints on selected nodes


Support Type (Local Direction)

Select the components of the degrees of freedom of the selected nodes to be restrained. The components correspond to the GCS (Nodal local coordinate system if it is defined) (refer to "Coordinate system and nodes").

D-ALL : All displacement degrees-of-freedom

Dx : Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS X-direction (Nodal local x-axis direction)

Dy : Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS Y-direction (Nodal local y-axis direction)

Dz : Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS Z-direction (Nodal local z-axis direction)


R-ALL : All rotational degrees-of-freedom

Rx : Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS X-axis (Nodal local x-axis)

Ry : Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS Y-axis (Nodal local y-axis)

Rz : Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS Z-axis (Nodal local z-axis)

Rw : Warping degree-of-freedom about GCS X-axis (Node's local x-axis)


Supports are represented by hexagonal symbols. As shown in the left diagram below, they indicate the translational and rotational degrees of freedom in a clockwise manner: Dx, Dy, Dz, Rx, Ry, and Rz. When a degree of freedom is restrained, it is displayed in green. The right diagram depicts the boundary conditions of a simple beam in the X-Z plane.

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