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Initial Forces Created Edited

Initial Element Forces


  • Enter the internal member forces in the structure due to external loads for linear analysis. The member forces are calculated using Initial Force Control Data.
  • Initial member forces are generated from member forces due to a specific load combination, as controlled from Load > Initial Force > Small Displacement > Initial Force Control Data. After Initial Force Control Data has been completed and analysis has been performed, the initial (internal) forces calculated can be checked in Results > Result Tables > Initial Element Force table.
  • Initial Element Forces are used to calculate geometric stiffness in general linear analysis. This function includes geometric stiffness in linear stiffness. It is applied to linear static, linear buckling, eigenvalue, response spectrum and time history analyses.
  • In analyses such as thermal analysis, geometrically nonlinear analysis, material nonlinear analysis, and pushover analysis, the inputted "Initial Element Force" is ignored or not considered.



From the main menu, select [Load] tab > [Type : Misc.] > [Initial Forces] group > [Small Displacement] > [Initial Element Forces]



Load-Static Loads-Initial Foces-Initial Element Forces.png


Axial-i : Axial force at i-end

Shear(y)-i : Shear force in the ECS y-dir at i-end

Shear(z)-i : Shear force in the ECS z-dir at i-end

Torsion-i : Torsional moment at i-end

Moment(y)-i : Moment about ECS y-dir at i-end

Moment(z)-i : Moment about ECS y-dir at i-end

Axial-j : Axial force at j-end

Shear(y)-j : Shear force in the ECS y-dir at j-end

Shear(z)-j : Shear force in the ECS y-dir at j-end

Torsion-j : Torsional moment at j-end

Moment(y)-j : Moment about ECS y-dir at j-end

Moment(z)-j : Moment about ECS z-dir at j-end

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