- Plot history graphs by steps and stages or load cases/combinations using the analysis results of a structural model, which is analyzed for construction stages and steps that typically form the basis for a geometric nonlinear analysis or construction stage analysis.
From the main menu, select [Results] tab > [Type : Analysis result] > [C.S/Nonlinear] group > [Stage/Step Graph]
Time History Text dialog box
Define Function
Member forces and stresses for truss and beam elements and displacement can be produced. Select the type of stage/step analysis results to be plotted in graphs and click Add New Function to define graphic output functions.
Multi Func : Plot the stage/step history for a number of output functions in a single graph.
Multi LCase : Plot the stage/step history for a number of load cases/combinations for output functions in a single graph.
Step Option
All Steps : Plot the graphs for the analysis results of all the steps.
Last Step : Plot the graphs for the analysis results of the last steps of each construction stage.
Mode and Step options appear during the analysis performed in construction stages.
Stage/Step : Plot the graphs relative to construction stage to step.
Time(day) : Plot the graphs relative to time.
When Multi Func. Mode is selected
Check Functions To Plot
Output functions are listed for producing stage/step history graphs. Select the desired functions for output, or they can be modified or deleted. Select the functions to be plotted in a graph from the list of the defined functions.
Select a desired function and click Modify to change the data. Select and click Delete to delete previously defined functions.
Load Cases/Combinations
Select a load case/combination or construction stage load case for which the history graph is to be plotted.
Refer to Combinations for construction stage load cases provided in the post-processing mode of a construction stage analysis.
When Multi LCase Mode is selected
Check Load Cases to Plot
Check on the load cases/combinations or construction stage load cases for which history graphs are plotted.
Refer to Combinations for construction stage load cases provided in the post-processing mode of a construction stage analysis.
Define function
From the list of the defined output functions, select an output function.
Graph Title
Enter the title for the graph.
Graph : Generate the graph corresponding to the defined output functions and loading conditions.
Close : Close the dialog box.
Method of defining graphic output functions
Define Function
When Displacement is selected in Define Function
Name : Enter the name of a function defined for displacement.
Node Number : Enter the node number.
Enter a directional component of displacement.
Select a displacement component among DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY or RZ.
OK : Complete the data entries and click OK to create and store the function in the list.
Cancel : Cancel the entered data and restore the previous Menu status.
When Truss Force/Stress is selected in Define Function
Name : Enter the name of a function to be plotted by using the time history analysis results of truss elements.
Element Number : Enter the truss element number. Use the mouse to select or directly enter the number.
Force, Stress : Select the result type.
Assign a position where the element analysis results are required. I-Node or J-Node is selected.
OK : Complete the data entries and click OK to create and define the function in the list.
Cancel : Cancel all the entered data and restore the previous Menu status.
When Beam Force/Stress is selected in Define Function
Name : Enter the name of a function to be plotted by using the time history analysis results of beam elements.
Element Number : Enter the beam element number. Use the mouse to select or directly enter the number.
Force, Stress : Select the result type.
Assign a position where the element analysis results are required.
I-Node or J-Node is selected.
Enter a directional component of displacement.
Select a displacement component among DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY or RZ.
If Force is selected
Select a component among Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Torsion, Moment-y and Moment-z.
If Stress is selected
Select a component among Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Bend (+y), Bend (-y), Bend (+z) and Bend (-z).
Combine Axial
Normal stresses are produced on the basis of combined axial and bending stresses.
OK : Complete the data entries and click OK to create and define the function in the list.
Cancel : Cancel all the entered data and restore the previous Menu status.
Right click on the graph displayed on the screen to prompt the following Context Menu.
Change Title & Label
The title and subtitles to the x & y-axes may be changed.
Draw Color Graph
Display the contents of graph and Legend assigned with separate colors.
Draw Gray Graph
Produce the graph in black color and use notes to distinguish the components.
Zoom Out
Drag the mouse over the part that is of interest to zoom in and click Zoom Out to restore the view.
Zoom Out All
Restore the very initial view of the graph. That is, revert to the view that contains all the ranges.
Save Graph As Image
Save the graph in the graphic file format of BMP, JPG or EMF.
Save Graph As Text
Save the graph in the format of a text file.