- Sub-Domain is the unit area of mesh elements. When generating a mesh, the entire mesh area is the Domain and the mesh elements that partition the mesh are the Sub-Domains. A Sub-Domain can be defined automatically when a mesh is generated or can be defined directly from the Define Sub-Domain dialog box. Sub-Domains are automatically assigned numerical names when created (1, 2, 3,...).
- The automatically assigned name of each Sub-Domain is created like [1], [2], [3].
From the main menu, select [Node/Element] tab > [Mesh] group > [Domain] > [Define Sub-Domain]
Name: The name of the Domain that will be defined with a Sub-Domain.
Element Type: The Element Type of the Domain that will be defined with a Sub-Domain.
Name: Name of the Sub-Domain
Member Type: Plate Beam (1D), Plate Column (1D) or Shell are provided as member type and Beam/Column is classified according to member type.
Plate Beam (1D): Select to consider Slab Design like one-way Beam.
Plate Column (1D): Select to consider Abutment/Side Wall Design like Column considering axial force and moment.
Shell: Select to consider Shell Design
Plate Column design can consider the benefit of axial force by selecting 'Consider Axial-Moment Interaction for Plate Column' option in the 'Concrete Design Code' dialog box.
Rebar Direction: Define the direction of the reinforcement.
Local : Define rebar direction along the Local Coordinate System of the plate element.
UCS: : Define rebar direction along the predefined User Coordinate System. If UCS is not specified, the Global
Coordinate System is used instead.
Reference Axis : Define rebar direction along the user defined Reference Axis. Two nodes for V1 are selected to define
the x-direction from the origin of the coordinate system. Then V2 is specified to decide the plane
and z-direction is decided using ‘Right-Hand’ rule.
If the member type is 'None' the rotational angle can be inputted. However when 'Plate Beam' or 'Plate Column' is selected rebar direction is selected based on the selected 'Rebar Direction'. (e.g. Local x-direction and y-direction of plate element will become Direction 1 and Direction 2 respectively) Defined rebar direction can be visually shown by using the display option. [Display > Element > Sub-Domain Rebar Direction]
Rebar Dir. (CCW)
Dir. 1: Angle from Reference x: The major direction of the reinforcement. Enter the rotational angle with respect to the reference x-axis.
Dir. 2: Angle from Dir-1: The minor direction of the reinforcement. Enter the rotational angle formed from the major direction of the reinforcement (Angle 1).
V1: Vector defining the reference x-axis
V2: Any vector defining x-y plane
Element List
The elements that belong to the Sub-Domain. The elements that belong to the Sub-Domain should be adjacent to each other.
Add : After defining the Sub-Domain data, select Add to generate the new Sub-Domain. The new Sub-Domain will be listed below, showing the Name, Type, Angle, and Elements.
Modify : Select a specific Sub-Domain from the Sub-Domain list and the data will be displayed in the upper sections of the dialog box. Modify the information of the selected Sub-Domain and click Modify to save the new data.
Delete : Select a Sub-Domain from the list and click Delete to delete the selected Sub-Domain.