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Transverse Model Created Edited

Transverse Analysis Model Wizard - Load


Assign the load information.

Structure-Wizard-Transverse Load tab.png

Transverse Analysis Model Wizard _ Load Tab


Self weight

Self weight



Weight of Pavement.


Thickness of pavement

Unit Weight

Unit Weight of pavement



Weight of barrier. Input "Section x Unit weight" In the transverse model, the thickness of the barrier is considered when assigning the load.

Unit Load

Self weight of Barrier

Additional Load

Additional load on the barrier due to sound proof wall, or railing.


Median Strip

Self weight of median strip. Input "Section x Unit weight" In the transverse model, the thickness of the median strip is considered when assigning load.



Assign load due to collision.


Assign height of collision.


Side Walk

Self weight of Side Walk


Thickness of Side Walk

Unit Weight

Unit weight of Side Walk

Crowd Load

Pedestrian load.

Handrail Force

Calculates the load when a person is leaning on the hand rail. The size of the load and the distance between the top flange and the load are inputted.



Delta T

Distribution of heat and temperature difference of the top and bottom surface.

System Temperature

Load caused by temperature


Live Load

Assign the moving load for transverse analysis.


Wheel load


Number of lanes. The maximum lane number must satisfy the following conditions, and a negative value cannot be entered.


Minimum distance of the wheel to the barrier or the median strip.


Distance between two wheels.


Wheel distance between two vehicles.


Lateral distribution width of live load.

Multiple Presence Factor

Load reduction factor to be applied when vehicle loads are loaded on a number of traffic lanes.

Multiple Presence Factor.png


Scale Factor

Load reduction factor to be applied to a position on the transversal section.

scale factor.png


Wind Load

Input wind load data.

Distributed Load on the Web

Uniformly distributed load on the Web.

Horizontal Load on the Barrier

Lateral load acting on the barrier.

Moment doe to the Barrier

Moment occurring on the barrier due to the lateral load.


Direction of the wind load.  


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