- Renumber the existing node (element) numbers in the order of priority for each GCS direction.
From the main menu, select [Node/Element] > [Numbers] > [Renumbering] > [Renumbering Nodes]
Renumbering dialog box
Click to the right of Renumbering
Display the Node Table
Start Node Number
Not applicable for this command.
Renumbering Target
Node : Renumber node numbers
Element : Renumber element numbers
Node & Element : Renumber node and element numbers
Selection Type
All : All the nodes (elements) are targeted
By Selection : The selected nodes (elements) are targeted
New Start Number
Node : New starting node number
Element : New starting element number
Renumbering Options
Sorting Coordinate : When new nodes (elements) are renumbered, select a coordinate system of priority.
Cartesian Coordinate : When new nodes (elements) are renumbered, select a priority coordinate axis in the Global Coordinate system.
1st : Assign an axis with the highest priority when renumbering elements (nodes).
2st : Assign an axis with the second priority
3st : Assign the remaining axis
Cylindrical Coordinate : When new nodes (elements) are renumbered, apply a cylindrical coordinate system. Sort them based on the user-defined cylindrical coordinate system.
Rotating Axis : Select a rotating axis referring to the diagram.
Global Axis : Axis of rotation in GCS (Default = Z)
Axis Defined by 2 Points : Axis of rotation defined by a line connecting two points
1st Point : 1st point of axis of rotation
2nd Point : 2nd point of axis of rotation
Polar Axis : Select a polar axis referring to the diagram.
Global Axis : Select an axis in GCS as a polar axis (Default = Z).
Axis Defined by 2 Points : Polar axis defined by a line connecting two points
1st Point : 1st point of axis of rotation
2nd Point : 2nd point of axis of rotation
When two points are connected to define an axis, the polar axis must be perpendicular to the axis of rotation. An error message prompts if not perpendicular.
Sorting Preference : Select the order of sorting preference.
1ST : First priority component (Default = Height)
2ND : Next priority component (Default = Rotating Angle)
3RD : Last priority component (Default = Radius)