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Numbers Created Edited

Renumbering Element


  • Renumber the existing element (node) numbers in the order of priority for each GCS direction.



From the main menu, select [Node/Element] > [Numbers] > [Renumbering] > [Renumbering Element]




Renumbering Element ID dialog box


Click ....png to the right of Renumbering

Display the Element Table


Start Number

Start Node Number
Define Starting Node number by clicking ....png


Start Element Number
Define Starting Element number by clicking ....png


Renumbering Target

Node : Renumber node numbers


Element : Renumber element numbers


Node & Element : Renumber node and element numbers


Sorting Order

By Global Axes : Apply new element (node) numbers in the order of priority by Global Axes.

1st : Assign an axis with the highest priority when renumbering elements (nodes).

2nd : Assign an axis with the second priority

3rd : Assign the remaining axis


Selection Type

All : All the elements (nodes) are targeted


By Selection : The selected elements (nodes) are targeted


New Start Number

Node : New starting node number


Element : New starting element number


Renumbering Option

Cartesian Coordinate : Apply new element (node) numbers in the order of priority by Global Axes.

1st : Assign an axis with the highest priority when renumbering elements (nodes).

2nd : Assign an axis with the second priority

3rd : Assign the remaining axis


Cylindrical Coordinate : Apply cylindrical coordinates and align based on user-defined cylindrical coordinate system.

NOTE.png Sorting Order is determined by the coordinates.
In other words, the numbering starts in a sequence from the node with the smallest coordinate to the node with the largest coordinate in the axis with the highest priority. When the coordinates of more than one node are equal in an assigned axis, the numbering restarts in the axis with the next priority from the node with the smallest coordinate.

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