- Enter the end release conditions (Hinge, Sliding, Roller Joint and Partial Fixity) at both ends of beam elements, or replace or remove previously entered end release conditions.
From main menu, select [Boundary] tab > [Release/Offset] group > [Beam End Release]
The right ... of Beam End Release
Display Beam End Release Table
Boundary Group Name
Select a Boundary Group in which the specified boundary condition is included. Select "Default" if Group assignment is unnecessary. Click to the right to prompt the "Define Boundary Group" dialog box to add, modify or delete Boundary Groups.
Add/Replace : Enter or replace end release conditions at both ends of selected beam elements
Delete : Delete previously entered end release conditions at both ends of selected beam elements
General Types and Partial Fixity
Enter connection and partial fixity condition for each DOF at both ends in the element's local coordinate system.
Enter Partial Fixity in terms of the stiffness ratio or the magnitude of stiffness for the relevant beam element. 0.3 for My (bending moment) of i-Node (N1 end node) in the dialog box represents 30% of My flexural stiffness is to be effective.
Relative : Enter the stiffness ratio. For example, 0 and 1 represent the completely released condition and the fully fixed condition, respectively.
Value : True magnitudes of stiffness values.
If the Beam End Release is input as a Partial Fixity condition instead of a Pin/Fix condition, it will always be considered as a pin in the construction stage analysis.
Fx : Release axial force in the element's local x-direction and enter Partial Fixity if necessary.
Fy : Release shear force in the element's local y-direction at the relevant end and enter Partial Fixity if necessary.
Fz : Release shear force in the element's local z-direction at the relevant end and enter Partial Fixity if necessary.
Mx : Release shear force in the element's local z-direction at the relevant end and enter Partial Fixity if necessary.
My : Release shear force in the element's local z-direction at the relevant end and enter Partial Fixity if necessary.
Mz : Release shear force in the element's local z-direction at the relevant end and enter Partial Fixity if necessary.
Mb : Release bi-moment about the element's local x-axis at the relevant end and enter Partial Fixity if necessary. Bi-moment method which is approximate method of torsion analysis for considering warping effect.
In construction stage analysis, internally, the program always considers the partial fixities as pinned conditions.
The following buttons simplify the individual data entries described above:
Pinned-Pinned: To release the bending stiffness about the element's local y- and z-axes at both ends
Pinned-Fixed: To release the bending stiffness about the element's local y- and z-axes at N1 end
Fixed-Pinned: To release the bending stiffness about the element's local y- and z-axes at N2 end
Fixed-Fixed: To restore all the end release conditions at both ends to fixed conditions