Define the prestress loads to be applied to the selected tendons.
This load cannot be used for performing analysis with materials having nonlinear properties.
From the main manu select [Load] tab > [Type : Prestress] > [Prestress Loads] group > [Tendon Prestress]
Tendon Prestress Loads dialog box
Load Case Name
Select a load case. Click to the right to add new or modify/delete previously defined Static Load Cases.
Load Group Name
Assign a load group in which the tendon prestress load is to be included. Click to the right to add new or modify/delete previously defined Load Groups.
Select Tendon for Loading
Select the tendons to be applied with the prestress load. Multi-select the relevant tendons from the tendon list with the mouse and click . To delete the selected tendons click
Stress Value
Specify the magnitude of the tendon prestress. The prestressing location(s) may be either or both the beginning or/and end of the tendons.
Stress : input in stress unit
Force : input in force unit
1st Jacking : When both ends are stressed, specify which end is stressed first.
Begin : Jacking Force at the beginning of the tendons
End : Jacking Force at the end of the tendons
Both : Jacking Force at both ends of the tendons
In case of Pre-tension load type, the 1st Jacking option of Tendon Prestress Loads will not apply. Therefore, analysis results will not be affected whichever is selected.
Grouting : after n stage
Define the stage at which the tendons are grouted in the ducts (sheathes). The grouting stage determines the timing of using the transformed section with the grouted tendons.
Click the Add button to include the selected tendons with prestressing loads in the tendon list. To Modify the prestressing data, select a tendon, change the data, and click the Modify button. After selecting unwanted tendons, click the Delete button to eliminate the tendons from the list.