- Assign the static analysis method and the size of RAM to be used for the analysis.
From the main menu, select [Analysis] tab > [Perform] group > [Analysis Options] > [Analysis Options]
Analysis Options dialog box
Static Analysis Method
Select the static analysis method to be performed. The selection of an appropriate analysis method for the size and scale of the structure affects the efficiency of the analysis.
This method is most widely adopted in structural analysis programs. The method is applicable irrespective of the type of analysis, the scale of the model and the system settings.
Multi Frontal Sparse Gaussian Solver
The high performance Multi-Frontal Sparse Gaussian Solver(MFSGS) is a latest addition to the group of MIDAS solvers. The MFSGS uses an optimum frontal division algorithm to minimize the number of calculations for simultaneous linear equations.
The MFSGS is especially useful for those finite elements that contain a large number of degrees of freedom.
Structures with many nodes can be solved over 10 times faster depending on the cases. The MFSGS is a particularly useful solver for the detail analysis of a structure consisted of plate or solid elements.
Enable GPU Acceleration
GPU-accelerated computing offers faster solution time by offloading compute-intensive portions of the solver to the GPU, while the remainder of the codes still runs on the CPU.
For linear buckling analysis, Multi Frontal Sparse Gaussian Solver significantly reduces the analysis speed.
Multi Processor
Number of Processors : Enter the number of CPUs.
Multi-Frontal Sparse Gaussian Solver supports the multi-thread capability in order to enhance the analysis speed. For a computer with 2 CPUs, the solving time can be reduced between 30-40%.
Memory for Analysis
Enter when the analysis is to be performed using only a part of the memory in the system.
If Auto is selected, the program uses appropriate memory for the analysis after it determines the state of memory in the computer.