This option is used to select the elements/links for which the output is to be provided.
From the main menu select [Properties] > [Inelastic Properties] > [Inel. Control Data] > [Select Inelastic Hinge Result Output]
Hinge Result Output for Elements
Element Type
All Type: Allows to add all the types of elements for output selection from model view
Beam-Column: Allows to add only beam or column elements for output selection from model view
Truss: Allows to add only truss elements for output selection from model view
Fiber Section Result
Output All each Step: Results of selected fiber elements are printed for all steps of load increment
Add/Replace: Add the element for output or replace the existing data for element output
Delete: Delete the element from the list of elements for which the output would be provided
Hinge Result Output for GL-Links
Select GL-Link: List of all the defined general links with inelastic hinge property
Select From View: Selects the general links from the list, if the connecting nodes are selected in the model view
Unselect All: Deselects all the links from the link list
Add: Adds the selected GL-Links to the GL-Link List
Delete: Removes the link from the GL-Link List