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Pressure Load Created Edited

Define Pressure Load Type


  • Define the pressure load cases and the corresponding pressure loads.
  • The pressure loads defined here are applied to the structure by the Assign Pressure Loads command.
  • Although the pressure loads such as dead, live, roof, and snow loads have different values, they share common loading areas. To avoid laborious repetitions and expedite the loading data entry process, midas Civil distinguishes the commands for the definition of pressure loads and the application of pressure loads.



From the main menu select [Load] tab > [Type : Static Load] > [Pressure Load] group > [Pressure Loads] > [Define Pressure Load Type]



Pressure Load Type Name & Description

Name : Pressure load name

The name is used to access the Pressure Load Type when entering the pressure load to be applied to the structure by the Assign Pressure Loads command.

Typically, the names are designated by the architectural uses (office, rooftop, etc.).

Description : Enter a short description for the load type.


Pressure Load & Load Case

Assign the load cases and enter the values of the relevant pressure loads.

Element Type : Select the type of elements to be subjected to pressure loads. Refer to the figure displayed to assign the loading direction and the loaded side(s).

Plate/Plane Stress (Face) : Out-of-plain plate & plane element

Plate/Plane Stress (Edge) : In-plain plate & plane element

Solid (Face) : Solid element

Plane Strain (Edge) : Plane strain element

Axisymmetric (Edge) : Axisymmetric element

Wall (Edge) : Wall Element

Load Case : Select a load case.

Load : Select if the loads are uniformly distributed or linearly varying.

Uniform : when the pressure loads are uniformly distributed

Linear : when the pressure loads vary linearly

P1, P2, P3, P4 : Enter the pressure load values per unit area. Pressure load values at faces or edges.

Define Load Cases : Enter additional load cases and modify or delete existing load cases.


  • To define or add new pressure load cases

Enter the fields above and click the Add button.


  • To modify previously defined floor load types

Select the relevant load type from the list at the bottom of the dialog box, modify the entry fields at the top, and click the Modify button.


  • To delete previously defined floor load types

Select the relevant load type from the list at the bottom of the dialog box and click the Delete button.

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