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[Execution] How to Install Microsoft VC++ (Microsoft Visual C++)


I'm wondering how to install Microsoft VC++.



Microsoft VC++ is a running program that requires MIDAS programs to be installed.

However, the installation may be missing or corrupted by the user's PC environment or security program, so you must manually install the correct version as needed.


Program-specific required Microsoft VC++ redistribution packages

X64 and X86 are program operating systems, not your PC's operating system, so you must install any programs marked with an "O".
The installation order must be from low to high versions, and within versions, the installation proceeds in the order of x86, x64.


For example, when you try to install the required redistribution packages for Civil MODS,
install Microsoft VC++ 2008 x86 > Microsoft VC++ 2012 x86 > Microsoft VC++ 2012 x64 > Microsoft VC++ 2015-2022 x86 > Microsoft VC++ 2015-2022 x64.


Civil MODS (GSD) X 64 X 86
Microsoft VC++ 2005 Installation Link X X
Microsoft VC++ 2008 Installation Link X O
Microsoft VC++ 2010 Installation Link X X
Microsoft VC++ 2012 Installation Link O O
Microsoft VC++ 2013 Installation Link X X
Microsoft VC++ 2015-2022 Installation Link O O


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