The Event Viewer shows that 'ntdll.dll' is being viewed.
The MIDAS program runs on various modules. Therefore, if the security program deletes or damages the module during installation or execution, running the program becomes difficult.
If the same problem occurs even after installing all the necessary modules for execution, you need to delete the entire program-related log and reinstall it.
1. Follow the steps to install and activate the .NET Framework in [Execution] How to install and activate .NET Framework.
2. Follow the steps to install Microsoft VC++ (Microsoft Visual C++) in [Execution] How to Install Microsoft VC++ (Microsoft Visual C++)
3. Follow the steps to install VectorDraw in [Execution] How to Install VectorDraw
4. Restart your PC and run the program.
5. If the problem persists even after all the above steps have been taken, you need to uninstall and reinstall the program.
Refer to the [Installation] How to uninstall the program / [Installation] How to install the program and uninstall and reinstall the program.