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Rail Track Analysis Report


  • As a post-processing feature, Rail Track Analysis Report could be used to analyze all the models and obtain the compiled excel file. It provides the final summary sheet with checks based on UIC 774 - 3.  These check limits could be manually modified for regional codes. This report wizard could only be used with Simplified Separate Analysis option. Complete Analysis Model is not supported for the report. The report will contain tabulated data as well as graphical output for individual rail stresses, rail and deck relative displacements as well as deck absolute displacements.


Automatic Generation of Individual Analysis (Simplified Separate Analysis) Modeling

Case 1 : Temperature load case model without train load

Case 2 : When train load is applied, traction/bracking load and train vertical load case model which has different ballast resistance for both loaded and unloaded section.


Automatic Generation of Step-by-Step Analysis (Stage Analysis or Complete Analysis) Model

Unloaded stage : Unloaded Condition as a stage in which only temperature load is applied, and the ballast resistance is uniformly distributed throughout the entire span.

Loaded stage : Loaded Condition as a stage that includes traction/bracking load and vertical train load, where the ballast resistance is applied only to the section where the train is present.


Automatic Generation of Moving Load Analysis Model

In the second stage of Stage Analysis or Complete Analysis, the train load is applied to different segments of the bridge to determine the location where maximum additional stress is induced. The analysis is performed by changing the train segment by a fixed length and generating step-by-step model files that incorporate the changing boundary conditions.


Auto-generation modeling analysis and report

Each generated model is automatically analyzed, and based on the analysis results, a review report is generated.

NOTE.png The automatically generated modeling cases are stored within a folder named after the file name before generation.


  • Using the Rail Track Analysis Report as a pre-processing feature, you can analyze all the models and obtain a compiled Excel file. The report provides a final summary sheet with checks based on UIC 774-3. These check limits can be manually modified for regional codes. This report wizard can only be used with the Simplified Separate Analysis option. Complete Analysis Model is not supported for the report. The report includes tabulated data as well as graphical output for individual rail stresses, rail and deck relative displacements, and deck absolute displacements.



From main menu, select [Structure] tab > [RSI] group > [Rail Track Analysis Model] > [Rail Track Analysis Report]



Structure-Wizard-Rail Track Analysis report.png

Rail Track Analysis Report

Unit Setting

N-mm : SI unit system

kips-in : U.S. unit system

Checking Criteria

Maximum permissible additional rail stresses 

Define maximum permissible additional stresses in the rail for the compression and tension.

Compressive Stress 

Tensile Stress 

 Rail Axial Stress due to Temperature Variation in Deck

Rail Axial Stress due to Braking & Traction


Permissible horizontal displacement due to Braking/Traction

Define permissible horizontal displacements due to train braking/traction.

Relative displacement between Deck and Rail

Absolute displacement of the Deck

Relative Displacement between Deck and Rail1 for Braking & Traction

Deck Absolute Horizontal Displacement for Braking & Traction

Permissible displacement between Top of Deck end and Embankment or between Top of two consecutive Deck end 

Define Permissible displacement between top of deck end and embankment or between top of two consecutive deck ends.

Deck End Rotation Displacement for Vertical Load

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