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Time History Analysis Data Created Edited

Dynamic Nodal Loads


  • Apply time forcing functions to specific nodes.



From the main menu, select [Load] tab > [Type : Dynamic Loads] > [Time History Analysis Data] group > [Dynamic Nodal Loads]



Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-dynamic nodal loads.png


Time History Load Case Name

Select a time history analysis load case entered in "Time History Load Cases". Click the ... button to define the relevant function if the load case has not been previously defined.



Add : To add to previously entered time forcing functions at specific nodes.

Replace : To replace previously entered time forcing functions at specific nodes.

Delete : To delete previously entered time forcing functions at specific nodes.


Function and Direction

Specify the time forcing function, loading direction and arrival time.

Function Name : Select a time forcing function defined in "Time History Functions".
Only Force or Moment type functions can be selected.

Load Type : Type of the selected time history forcing function

Direction : Select the loading direction of the time forcing function.

X : GCS X-direction

Y : GCS Y-direction

Z : GCS Z-direction

Arrival Time : "Delay" time for the time forcing function. Enter the delay time when the time forcing function is applied some time after the time history analysis is initiated. For the time history analysis due to vehicle loads, adjust the Arrival Time at each node to consider the effect of moving loads.

Scale Factor : Scale factor for the time forcing function


After defining the above items, select the nodes to be loaded and click the Apply button to apply the time-forcing function to the nodes. Use "Display" to check the data entry.

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