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Time History Analysis Data Created Edited

Define Result Functions


  • Specify the types of time history analysis results, and define graphic output functions and Step functions. Output functions can be also created or changed in Time History Graph in the post-processing.



From the main menu, select [Load] tab > [Type : Dynamic Loads] > [Time History Analysis Data] group > [Define Result Functions]



Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function.png


Define Function

Graph Function : Define a Graph Function.

Step Function : Analysis results are defined at a specific step.


Function List

It lists the defined Graph (Step) functions.


1. Graph Function

1. Graph Function



Define the function for which time history analysis results will be produced in graphs.

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add.png

Name : Enter the name of the graph function (displacement/velocity/acceleration).

Node Number
: Node number for which the graph will be produced


Type of Result : Select the type of results to be produced.

Disp. : Displacement

Vel. : Velocity

Accel : Acceleration


Reference Point : Select a reference point for displacement (velocity, acceleration).

Ground : Ground is selected to produce relative response at ground (relative displacement and relative velocity). Response of the ground is assumed to be zero.

Add Ground Motion : Absolute response of the structure plus the ground motion is produced.
It can be selected for producing absolute acceleration.

Another Node : Response of the entered node relative to a reference node is produced.


Components : Specify a component direction of displacements.

The directions of displacements may be DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY or RZ.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which time history graphs will be drawn.


Include Mode Number

When Modal Superposition is used in time history analysis, Eigen modes can be selected to be reflected in the time history analysis results. One or all the modes can be used to calculate the response.


OK : Complete the data entries and click OK to create and store the function in the list.

Cancel : Cancel the entered data and restore the previous Menu status.


Truss Force/Stress

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add truss.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for a truss element.


Element Number : Type the element number to be produced.


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Force : Force

Stress : Stress

Point : Assign a position of the truss element for which analysis results are required.
I-Node or J-Node is selected.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which time history graphs will be drawn.


Include Mode Number : When Modal Superposition is used in time history analysis, Eigen modes can be selected to be reflected in the time history analysis results. One or all the modes can be used to calculate the response.


Beam Force/Stress

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add Beam.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for a beam element.


Element Number : Type the element number to be produced.


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Force : Force

Stress : Stress

Point : Assign a position of the truss element for which analysis results are required.
I-Node or J-Node is selected.



If Force is selected : the components may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Torsion, Moment-y and Moment-z.

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Bend(+y), Bend(-y), Bend(+z) and Bend(-z).


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which time history graphs will be drawn.


Include Mode Number : When Modal Superposition is used in time history analysis, Eigen modes can be selected to be reflected in the time history analysis results. One or all the modes can be used to calculate the response.


Plain Stress Force/Stress

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add Plane Stress.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for a plane stress element.


Element Number : Type the element number to be produced.


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Force : Force

Stress : Stress


Point : Assign a position of the plane stress element for which analysis results are required.

Force Type : I-Node, J-Node, K-Node or L-Node is selected

Stress Type : Center, I-Node, J-Node, K-Node or L-Node is selected



If Force is selected : the components may be selected from Fx and Fy.

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Sig-xx, Sig-yy, Sig-xy.


Time History Load Case : the components may be selected from Sig-xx, Sig-yy and Sig-xy.


Include Mode Number : When Modal Superposition is used in time history analysis, Eigen modes can be selected to be reflected in the time history analysis results. One or all the modes can be used to calculate the response.


Plain Strain Force/Stress

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add Plane Strain.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for a plane strain element.


Element Number : Type the element number to be produced.


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Force : Force

Stress : Stress


Point : Assign a position of the plane strain element for which analysis results are required.

Force Type : I-Node, J-Node, K-Node or L-Node is selected

Stress Type : Center, I-Node, J-Node, K-Node or L-Node is selected



If Force is selected : the components may be selected from Fx and Fy.

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Sig-xx, Sig-yy and Sig-xy.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which time history graphs will be drawn.


Include Mode Number : When Modal Superposition is used in time history analysis, Eigen modes can be selected to be reflected in the time history analysis results. One or all the modes can be used to calculate the response.


Plate Force/Stress

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add Plate force.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for a plate element.


Element Number : Type the element number to be produced.


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Force : Force

Stress : Stress

Unit Force : Element force per unit length


Point : Assign a position of the plate element for which analysis results are required.

If Force is selected : the components may be selected from I-Node, J-Node, K-Node or L-Node

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Center, I-Node, J-Node, K-Node of L-Node

If Unit Force is selected : the components may be selected from Center, I-Node, J-Node, K-Node or L-Node



If Force is selected : the components may be selected from Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My and Mz.

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Sig-xx (Top), Sig-yy (Top), Sig-xy (Top), Sig-xx (Bottom), Sig-yy (Bottom) and Sig-xy (Bottom).

If Unit Force is selected : the components may be selected from Fxx, Fyy, Fxy, Mxx, Myy, Mxy, Vxx, and Vyy.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which time history graphs will be drawn.


Include Mode Number : When Modal Superposition is used in time history analysis, Eigen modes can be selected to be reflected in the time history analysis results. One or all the modes can be used to calculate the response.


Solid Force/Stress

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add Solid Force.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for a solid element.


Element Number : Type the element number to be produced.


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Force : Force

Stress : Stress


Point : Assign a position of the solid element for which analysis results are required.

If Force is selected : the components may be selected from I-Node, J-Node, K-Node, L-Node, M-Node, N-Node, O-Node or P-Node.

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Center, I-Node, J-Node, K-Node, L-Node, M-Node, N-Node, O-Node or P-Node.



If Force is selected : the components may be selected from Fx, Fy and Fz.

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Sig-xx, Sig-yy, Sig-zz, Sig-xy, Sig-yz and Sig-xz.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which time history graphs will be drawn.


Include Mode Number : When Modal Superposition is used in time history analysis, Eigen modes can be selected to be reflected in the time history analysis results. One or all the modes can be used to calculate the response.


General Link Deform/Force

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add General Link.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for a general link element.


GL-Link No. : Enter the nonlinear link element number. The start and end node numbers are indicated in brackets to help you select the element number.



Deformation : Deformation

I-Node Force : I-Node Force

J-Node Force : J-Node Force



If Force is selected : the components may be selected from Axial, Tran-y, Tran-z, Torsional, Rotaion-y, Rotation-z.

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Torsion, Moment-y, Moment-z.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which time history graphs will be drawn.


Inelastic Hinge Deform/Force

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add Inelastic Hinge.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for an inelastic hinge.


Element Number : Type the element number to be produced.


Type of Element

Beam element or General Link element


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Deformation : Deofrmation

Force : Force



If Deformation is selected : the components may be selected from Dx, Dy, Dz, Rx, Ry, Rz.

If Force is selected : the components may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Torsion, Moment-y, Moment-z.


Location : Assign the output location of the inelastic hinge.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which time history graphs will be drawn.


Load Increment History

In order to produce results for nonlinear static analysis, a load increment function is defined.

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add Load Increment History.png

Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function for a load increment of nonlinear static analysis.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which nonlinear static analysis graphs will be drawn.


2. Step Function

2. Step Function


Time step, displacement (velocity, acceleration), member force, etc. of static analysis and time history analysis results can be verified for a user-defined condition.


Time Step

Response of a structure at a time step or a construction stage can be checked.

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add Time Step.png

Name : Enter the name of Time Step Function.


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which Step Function results will be produced.


Time Step : Select a time step or a construction stage at which analysis results will be produced.


Displ / Vel / Accel

Maximum (minimum, absolute) displacement, velocity and acceleration response at a specific node can be checked.

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add dispvelaccel.png

Name : Enter a function name.


Node Number : Node number for which the results will be produced.


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Displ. : Displacement

Vel. : Velocity

Accel. : Acceleration



Specify a component of the results at the node. The components may be DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY or RZ.



Max : Maximum value

Min : Minimum value

Abs Max : Absolute maximum value


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which Step Function results will be produced.


Truss Force/Stress

Maximum (minimum, absolute) member force (stress) for a specific truss element can be checked.

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add truss force.png

Name : Enter a function name.


Element Number : Enter the truss element number. 


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Force : Force

Stress : Stress



Assign a position of the truss element for which analysis results are required.

I-Node or J-Node is selected.



Max : Maximum value

Min : Minimum value

Abs Max : Absolute maximum value


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which Step Function results will be produced.


Beam Force/Stress

Maximum (minimum, absolute) member force (stress) for a specific beam element can be checked.

Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add beam force.png

Name : Enter a function name.


Element Number :Type the element number to be produced.


Type of Result : Select the type of structural response to be produced.

Force : Force

Stress : Stress



Assign a position of the beam element for which analysis results are required.



If Force is selected : the components may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Torsion, Moment-y and Moment-z.

If Stress is selected : the components may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Bend(+y), Bend(-y), Bend(+z), Bend(-z), Combined1, Combined2, Combined3 and Combined4.



Max : Maximum value

Min : Minimum value

Abs Max : Absolute maximum value


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which Step Function results will be produced.


Designated Component

The time step, at which the maximum (minimum, absolute) beam element force of the designated component at the Point occurs, is found. At that time step, the forces of the remaining elements are produced.The time step, at which the maximum (minimum, absolute) beam element force of the designated component at the Point occurs, is found. At that time step, the forces of the remaining elements are produced.


Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add designated component.png

Name : Enter the fuction name.


Point : Assign a position of the beam element for which analysis results are required.


Components : the components may be selected from Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz.



Max : Maximum value

Min : Minimum value

Abs Max : Absolute maximum value


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which Step Function results will be produced.


General Link Force

Maximum (minimum, absolute) value of the selected absent force component in the overall time history response of the general purpose connection element can be checked


Load-Dynamic Load-Time History Analysis Data-Define Result Function-add general link 1.png

Name : Enter the fuction name.


GL-Link No : General Link element number


Point : Assign a position of the beam element for which analysis results are required..


Components : the components may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Torsion, Moment-y, Moment-z.



Max : Maximum value

Min : Minimum value

Abs Max : Absolute maximum value


Time History Load Case : Select a load case for which Step Function results will be produced.

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