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Time History Analysis Data Created Edited

Define Concurrent Result Groups


Specify the nodes and component for which the concurrent results (Displ./Vel./Accel.) at the same time step are provided for the time history analysis. The output can be viewed in Results > Results Tables > Time History Analysis > Displ./Vel./Accel. (Concurrent) table in the post-processing.



From the main menu select [Load] tab > [Type : Dynamic Loads]> [Time History Analysis Data] group > [Define Concurrent Result Groups]



Group Name

Enter a group name.


Master Node

Specify a node number which is the reference node to obtain the concurrent displacements of other nodes at the time step where the displacement of the reference node is the maximum or minimum value.


Sub Nodes

Select nodes for which the concurrent displacements will be produced


Type of Result

Select the type of results to be produced.

Disp. : Displacement

Vel. : Velocity

Accel : Acceleration



Specify a component of the results at the node. The components may be DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY or RZ.


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