- A Creep coefficient is directly entered in a form of load, which is necessary to provide freedom to user-specify the desired creep coefficients for specific members. The entered creep coefficient by this feature overrides the creep coefficient defined by the creep function.
- If "Only User's Creep Coefficient" option is checked in Construction Stage Analysis Control , only the creep coefficients assigned to the elements will be used for analysis, ignoring the creep coefficients defined by the creep function.
From main menu, select [Load] tab > [Type : Construction Stage] > [Construction Stage Data] group > Creep Coefficient for C.S.]
Load Group Name
Select the load group to which the entered load data will be included. Choose 'Default' if no group designation is needed. To create or modify load groups, click the ... button to open the dialog box.
Add : Add a creep coefficient to the selected members.
Replace : Replace the creep coefficient assigned to the selected members.
Delete : Delete the creep coefficient assigned to the selected members.