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Construction Stage Data Created Edited

Set-Back Loads for Nonlinear Construction Stage


  • In a multi-span suspension bridge, top tower saddle can be shifted relative to the tower before starting the cable erection. Saddle can be simulated using Elastic Link (Saddle type). Impose set-back loads for nonlinear construction stage to specific elastic links whose type is Saddle to reflect the set-back displacement of the tower saddle of the suspension bridge.



From the main menu, select [Load] tab> [Type : Construction Stage]> [Construction Stage Loads] group > [C.S Loads] > [Set-Back Loads for Nonlinear Construction Stage]



Load Case Name

Select a load case.


Load Group Name

Select a Load Group in which the set-back load is to be included.



Add : add a set-back load to the selected members.

Replace : change the set-back load assigned to the selected members.

Delete : delete the set-back load assigned to the selected members


Saddle Type Elastic Link Displacement (Local Direction)

Specify displacement by direction of the elastic link which corresponds to the saddle of the suspension bridge.

Dx / Dy / Dz


Saddle Type Elastic Link

Only saddle type elastic links will be shown in the window. Select an elastic link and click the Apply button.

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