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Static Load Tables Created Edited

Nodal Masses Table


  • Enter or modify the lumped mass data (Lumped Translation Mass/Rotational Mass Moment of Inertia) for nodes in a spreadsheet format Table.



From the main menu, select [Load] tab > [Type : Load Tables] > [Load Tables] group > [Static Load] > [Nodal Masses]

Shortcut key[Ctrl]+[Alt]+U



(Refer to "Nodal Mass")

Refer to Usage of Table Tool and enter or modify the following data :

Load-Load Table-Load Tables-static Load-Nodal Masses.png


Node: Node number


mX: Translational Lumped Mass in GCS X-direction


mY: Translational Lumped Mass in GCS Y-direction


mZ: Translational Lumped Mass in GCS Z-direction


rmX: Rotational Mass Moment of Inertia about GCS X- axis


rmY: Rotational Mass Moment of Inertia about GCS Y- axis


rmZ: Rotational Mass Moment of Inertia about GCS Z- axis

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