- Enter or modify Specified Displacements of Supports at specific nodes, in a spreadsheet format table.
From the main menu, select [Load] tab > [Type : Static Loads] > [Load Tables] group > [Static Load] > [Specified Displacements]
(Refer to "Specified Displacements")
Refer to Usage of Table Tool and enter or modify the following data:
Node: Node numbers
Load Case: Unit load cases
Flag: Select the degree-of-freedom components to be constrained by specified displacements with respect to the nodal (global) coordinate system (GCS)
Dx: Specified displacement in the nodal (GCS) x-direction
Dy: Specified displacement in the nodal (GCS) y-direction
Dz: Specified displacement in the nodal (GCS) z-direction
Rx: Specified rotational displacement about the nodal (GCS) x-axis
Ry: Specified rotational displacement about the nodal (GCS) y-axis
Rz: Specified rotational displacement about the nodal (GCS) z-axis
Group: Name of Load Group