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[Authentication] Lock key authentication failure


Even after inserting the Lock key, authentication is not being performed when running the program.



There can be several reasons why there is a problem with Lock authentication. Follow the appropriate solution depending on the situation.

 There are two ways to authenticate the MIDAS program. The Web authentication method, which requires an internet connection, uses an ID, password, and protection key to authenticate, and the Hardware Lock authentication method, which involves inserting the issued USB for authentication.

 There are several reasons why Hardware Lock authentication may not work, such as a faulty USB port on the user's PC, a faulty USB Lock key terminal, or errors in related programs. The related program is called 'Sentinel Protection Installer,' which is a program that performs security and authentication processes when using the Lock Key.

 Follow the steps below sequentially to check the problem and follow the corresponding solution for each error.


1. Type 'Control Panel' in the taskbar search box and run it to check whether the 'Sentinel Protection Installer' is installed. If the program is not installed, proceed to item 1), and if the program is installed, go to item 2. 

1) 'Sentinel Protection Installer' is an essential program for using the Lock key, so it must be installed. It can be found in the MIDAS program installation path, so go to that location and install it.


CIVIL C:\Program Files\MIDAS\midas Civil\Protection drivers
FEA NX C:\Program Files\MIDAS\FEA NX\Protection Drivers
SOILWORKS C:\Program Files (x86)\MIDAS\SoilWorks\Protection Drivers
GTS NX C:\Program Files\MIDAS\GTS NX\Protection Drivers

2) After installation is complete, restart the PC to confirm the installation.

2. Insert the USB Lock key and check for a green light on the USB. If a green light appears, proceed to step 3. If a red light appears or there is no change, please contact customer service.

3. After authentication using the Lock key authentication method, if there are still difficulties in using the program, repeat the previous steps on another PC within the company or university to confirm authentication is possible.

4. If authentication is not possible on another PC, uninstall "Sentinel Protection Installer" in the control panel and reinstall using the above path.

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